Well-Known Member
Well, nothing's free, but this is pretty close. I have posted this idea here and there on the boards, but thought I should just start a thread so that it bight be of some help to others.
I was one of those who set the dark cycle for the hottest part of the day. I am able to use a spare bedroom as a growing area, but while setting up the room I had so much trouble with light leaks that I thought it easier to just make a dark room for flowering, in a closet in another room away from the lights. I run vegetation 24/7 as well, and eliminating the light control issue solved many issues.
A few months ago I was smoking a bowl and thinking about the garden when I got an idea. The plant was in the dark cycle, light was off, and I realized that I was wasting space. I was also having an overcrowding issue in the vegetation area. I thought briefly of turning on the flowering light and just vegging under it since the flowers weren't using it when the light came on in my head.
Just leave the light on...duh, one of those "it's so simple why didn't I think of that" moments...Except I thought of it.
Just leave the flowering lights on 24/7, and run two "shifts" of plants. Just swap them every 12 hours from the dark room to the light room. I had just effectively doubled the flowering capability of my garden for the cost of electricity and plant maintenance costs. It didn't use up any more space in the garden, and I can now flower and veg in the same area. There are just so many advantages to growing this way. The only real disadvantage doesn't bother me too often, you do have to be there to move the plants every 12 hours, sometimes right when you want to be at your boys just chillin' but it's worth it.
Under a 600w HPS I was able to run 2 sets of 3 large plants. I had some bad genetics being a new-b, and those plants all hermied, but I still got almost 3 ounces off each plant though I had to cut them early. Hermies due to poor genetics. I just fixed that problem by completely replacing that genetic line.
I was one of those who set the dark cycle for the hottest part of the day. I am able to use a spare bedroom as a growing area, but while setting up the room I had so much trouble with light leaks that I thought it easier to just make a dark room for flowering, in a closet in another room away from the lights. I run vegetation 24/7 as well, and eliminating the light control issue solved many issues.
A few months ago I was smoking a bowl and thinking about the garden when I got an idea. The plant was in the dark cycle, light was off, and I realized that I was wasting space. I was also having an overcrowding issue in the vegetation area. I thought briefly of turning on the flowering light and just vegging under it since the flowers weren't using it when the light came on in my head.
Just leave the light on...duh, one of those "it's so simple why didn't I think of that" moments...Except I thought of it.
Just leave the flowering lights on 24/7, and run two "shifts" of plants. Just swap them every 12 hours from the dark room to the light room. I had just effectively doubled the flowering capability of my garden for the cost of electricity and plant maintenance costs. It didn't use up any more space in the garden, and I can now flower and veg in the same area. There are just so many advantages to growing this way. The only real disadvantage doesn't bother me too often, you do have to be there to move the plants every 12 hours, sometimes right when you want to be at your boys just chillin' but it's worth it.
Under a 600w HPS I was able to run 2 sets of 3 large plants. I had some bad genetics being a new-b, and those plants all hermied, but I still got almost 3 ounces off each plant though I had to cut them early. Hermies due to poor genetics. I just fixed that problem by completely replacing that genetic line.