DoubleD's what to believe?

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Well-Known Member
You're really making yourself look stupid just don't get it do you
The only one who looks stupid here is you for being a shill.

It's really he said she said on both sides, that's why I am not taking a side. I'm reserving judgement for when the unaldurated truth finally comes out. :lol:

But so far, no matter how you look at it, Dr.G misrepresented what he is selling and gouged a bunch of you fuckers at the same time.


Well-Known Member
OGMan you have been ignored and I will not bother viewing your post. If you have something to say to me take it to PM's, I will not bother replying to you in public or I may end up saying something I regret that will get myself banned.

Banditt, we are all seeking the truth. It is obvious Dr.G's followers have already made up their mind but some of us are still left with skepticism and have not made up our minds. I would love to grow his Endless Sky some day regardless of the outcome but as far as this topic goes, it is still up for debate, IMO.
Just add OGMan to my ignore list along with the other Dr.G followers. He hasn't proven a damn thing... I'll wait to see if we hear from DD
yeah i asked him to show his clone grow and seed grow of the same strain and he is yet to show or prove me wrong he is full of shit.

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
hahahahahaha, DD is gonna join this site?

Is "northone" the same guy as "jim" who supplied it to Dr.G?
I dont know about this Jim/dogless, but I did have the pleasure of having Northone sit on on a journal of mine and that guy helped me turn a major corner in my growing technique.
Very helpful dude.


Well-Known Member
I always like doc's strains and IMHO there are none better but I had no idea Jim Ortega had Doc's back. Anybody who has Jim on their side has me on their side
I always like doc's strains and IMHO there are none better but I had no idea Jim Ortega had Doc's back. Anybody who has Jim on their side has me on their side
where is your clone grow and seed grow of said strains?????????????
Still waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
a few of you are risking long term membership loss over this nonsense. are your accounts worth it?

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