doublejj's BIG 2015 adventure.....


Well-Known Member
The US halted elections in 1956 because 70% would have voted for Ho Chi Minh...they had us surrounded every day....
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Well-Known Member
I was born towards the end of the war here and from Louisiana.

Its such a beautiful place with friendly and kind people. Much like where we come from..

Ego's were at work then at a high level as they are today unfortunately.

Wish everyone would take a time out and smoke some ganja

Happy New Year DoubleJJ


Well-Known Member
wowowow iwould have never left cali if i coulda found that bear river property..
almost made an offer ...

jj sorry about sending you into enemy territory we could NEVER hold without TOTAL death to natives .
it was not right of our government an i hope you see your sevice was so needed in a time of struggle. IF NOT ME THAN WHO??? you saved a life by your savvy ass being there not sum other..

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
wowowow iwould have never left cali if i coulda found that bear river property..
almost made an offer ...

jj sorry about sending you into enemy territory we could NEVER hold without TOTAL death to natives .
it was not right of our government an i hope you see your sevice was so needed in a time of struggle. IF NOT ME THAN WHO??? you saved a life by your savvy ass being there not sum other..
Regardless of the ptsd suffered by most ex serviceman i would volunteer to go to hell and back if the men i would drink beer with were over another country fighting and dying for me.Dont want that to sound stupid but if you read into the right way thats just me.....

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
lost in translation??
i dabbed and still lost
You dont need to be a genius to work out what im trying to say...
As much as some wars like nam shouldnt have happened i for one couldnt stand idle going about my business at home while my brothers were fighting ...its not a dig at anyone i am just saying i would prefer to be getting my hands dirty with the rest of them and if that meant i died young because i was true to my fellow man then so be it.
Its no a crack at you joedank its just a something from my heart that i have voiced.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Happy New Year everyone....
Hey Curious, I may have found your spot. This place is for 1 year lease.....
View attachment 3323289
Whoa now that is big time! LOL I showed it to the hubby and he said only 2 more years! So it's still to soon for us and he has a LOT to learn before we take on anything like that.

I have never grown outdoors nor on that scale. He's getting ready to join RIU so I'll point him over to your thread and he can start following you, because the way you grow is completely different than what I do and my practices won't really scale (not to that anyway).

He's hoping to bring me to the 420 BBQ if @cannabineer can watch the grow. So we can talk more then and maybe you can talk to him about how to start scaling a start up, things to look for in property and all the other questions that I don't know to ask that I should be asking!
Thanks for thinking of me!

Regardless of the ptsd suffered by most ex serviceman i would volunteer to go to hell and back if the men i would drink beer with were over another country fighting and dying for me.Dont want that to sound stupid but if you read into the right way thats just me.....
Surprisingly Vietnam veterans showed the least amount of PTSD compared to the statistics we had on our previous conflicts (I believe it was a comparison to WWII and Korea but it's been many years since I read it). One of the conclusions was that access to Cannabis kept the level down.

Now when you speak to almost every veteran and realize they almost all have PTSD you wonder what the actual rates in the population were.

Anyway I'm with you ruby fruit, after they killed my boyfriend's brother one of my biggest issues was as a girl I could not deploy to fight.
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