doublejj's BIG 2015 adventure.....

I want to lay down next to her!

Start a B&B where you sleep with the trees!

A little color in the pan is always a nice feeling. I just want to find a nice nugget one of these days :)

We are getting ALMOST pickers :-D where one of my spots is at in Yuba County. I sense a picker/nugget coming soon though.
Supposedly, I keep hearing, dredging will soon be allowed again here in Ca. Not sure if it's only going to be on BLM/federal land, but I hope so either way. Fun shit.
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As quiet as it's been kept, we have several old mine shafts & holes on our farm property. This is gold country. One of the biggest gold mines ever in the US is just a few miles away, Empire Mine. In their hayday the Empire mine had 100 of these rock crushers working 24/7, you could hear the mine for many miles....


It's a state park now....100's of miles of shafts & tunnels. Here is a model of the mine shafts...

As quiet as it's been kept, we have several old mine shafts & holes on our farm property. This is gold country. One of the biggest gold mines ever in the US is just a few miles away, Empire Mine. In their hayday the Empire mine had 100 of these rock crushers working 24/7, you could hear the mine for many miles....

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It's a state park now....100's of miles of shafts & tunnels. Here is a model of the mine shafts...
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I've got a buddy up in Nevada county(above the Malakoff Diggins). There's an old mine near him. Not as big as the Empire though.
Lots and lots of flood gold in the yuba rivers. More than any other river system I've been on:-)
I'm going to be selling my pad in butte co, and head over to Nevada co.
Fuck Butte county! And fuck Yuba county now! It's fuckin bullshit
Dogs are the perfect growing partners. They never tell anyone else about your grow, and they always let you know when someone is in your garden :D

I love dogs, mans best friend. I gotta admit though, Im pretty partial to my geese in the garden though :) they never break branches or dig up plants, they add awesome fertilizer, and they go crazy if someone is in the garden.

I worked underground for 6 yrs until I couldn't pass a pulmonary test without an asthma spray.
I transferred to the Mill (for my health) and went stir crazy! I only lasted 3 mo. before the lack of adrenaline
became too strong.
Im starting to feel like that after 10 yrs doing this.
.nearly time for a change :(
I guess im a party pooper then ...i dont dig or sift for gold just use nasty chemicals to leach it all so it can be poured for fat cats
I would too. I would do what ever it took. Whatever method that works! Whatever they allow :-) I got the fever bad!
I think @Grandpapy knows this(I think I told him PM): I lived in Almaden when I was younger. Almaden is where most of the mercury(quicksilver)was mined, for use in all the hard rock mining in the mother load.
Now I help clean it up from the rivers while we are sluicing:-D