doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

I think wat gets me shitty more than anything is i need to meet you cool cats soon..
Theres a cool bond between me and quite a few of you guys and it irks me i havnt met you all yet.
It's best you don't meet us Ruby. It's better that you have a good image of us rather than meeting us and finding out we're a bunch of ass holes & dicks. Us Americans can't drink a lick, we wine when the food in the microwave takes to long, who the fuck uses teaspoons and ounces and feet and yards to measure shit besides our dumb asses. JJ was never in the Army, he was Cub Scout leader of troop 243, Angry Black Man is a nice guy, TWS looks like his avatar, Fumble buys her edible's from the "pot shop", Treeman could NEVER climb a tree....too fat, Partly Cloudy is 5'1" illegal alien from Honduras with an afro, Nuggs don't fish, he buys his fish from a dude on the corner.
We've got you fooled Ruby. and we want to keep it that way buddy.....stay home!
It's best you don't meet us Ruby. It's better that you have a good image of us rather than meeting us and finding out we're a bunch of ass holes & dicks. Us Americans can't drink a lick, we wine when the food in the microwave takes to long, who the fuck uses teaspoons and ounces and feet and yards to measure shit besides our dumb asses. JJ was never in the Army, he was Cub Scout leader of troop 243, Angry Black Man is a nice guy, TWS looks like his avatar, Fumble buys her edible's from the "pot shop", Treeman could NEVER climb a tree....too fat, Partly Cloudy is 5'1" illegal alien from Honduras with an afro, Nuggs don't fish, he buys his fish from a dude on the corner.
We've got you fooled Ruby. and we want to keep it that way buddy.....stay home!
Since you put it out like that all the more interesting hahahaha @treemansbuds . I honestly have no idea why anyone would want to end up in the US of A, but after spending 30 years of my life there and a few other countries to each their own.
It's best you don't meet us Ruby. It's better that you have a good image of us rather than meeting us and finding out we're a bunch of ass holes & dicks. Us Americans can't drink a lick, we wine when the food in the microwave takes to long, who the fuck uses teaspoons and ounces and feet and yards to measure shit besides our dumb asses. JJ was never in the Army, he was Cub Scout leader of troop 243, Angry Black Man is a nice guy, TWS looks like his avatar, Fumble buys her edible's from the "pot shop", Treeman could NEVER climb a tree....too fat, Partly Cloudy is 5'1" illegal alien from Honduras with an afro, Nuggs don't fish, he buys his fish from a dude on the corner.
We've got you fooled Ruby. and we want to keep it that way buddy.....stay home!
Hahaha wat a cool description i know i HAVE to meet you guys lol im
Actually a spanish transvestite with a pimply arse
It's best you don't meet us Ruby. It's better that you have a good image of us rather than meeting us and finding out we're a bunch of ass holes & dicks. Us Americans can't drink a lick, we wine when the food in the microwave takes to long, who the fuck uses teaspoons and ounces and feet and yards to measure shit besides our dumb asses. JJ was never in the Army, he was Cub Scout leader of troop 243, Angry Black Man is a nice guy, TWS looks like his avatar, Fumble buys her edible's from the "pot shop", Treeman could NEVER climb a tree....too fat, Partly Cloudy is 5'1" illegal alien from Honduras with an afro, Nuggs don't fish, he buys his fish from a dude on the corner.
We've got you fooled Ruby. and we want to keep it that way buddy.....stay home!
Right on! Thanks for the laugh Treeman
We lost a good one this week. Ralph Stanley was the best bluegrass sad song singer there ever was.


The happy song first.

Since I made all you guys sad, the least I can do is post a picture of Mocha, who I found yesterday after bush-hogging the back yard. The old girl is showing a little gray, but she always puts a smile on my face.


While I was on the tractor, I played the "heart" list on my mp3 player. Here is just one of the many old tunes that I was rocking too. {You can dance on a Kabota B7500, as long as you don't over do it}

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