Doubletakes 2014 adventures

Harvested like 10 pounds of tamatoes haha they were big ok bastards pulling my cages over

Can anyone tell me why they are splitting, see the cracks

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Pretty sure its from too much water. My cherry toms actually split the sides and have juices pouring out if they are ripe and get some rain. The family garden wich gets plenty of water (too much IMO) look like yours but 3X as bad. I have my own reg sized wich I stopped watering weeks ago and I really don't see any of the stretching and ripping. Yours don't look bad at all! Its just the big tears I don't like, I always assume a bugs inside using it as a toilet.
I swear those worms have someone watching out for them
I ended up getting stuck away from Home right around 7 so I couldn't spray.
Then the next day I go to spray and my Hand pumper one breaks haha....
So then today I had to run down to harbor freight and got this bad boy, so I'm about to use it pretty stoked.
image.jpg I was using one of these haha it would take the hole jug for one plant

A 2 gallon did my whole garden like ran out perfectly on the last plant.

How maney times do u fill yours up gb
I've only been spraying 4 gallons, but I just got a fat bottle of Azatrol... So I'm thinking 8 from now on.
The spider mites seem to love the Orange Bud, so I tackle those and nearby plants heaviest.
Yeah man idk what's up the worms have been getting me this year and started causing mold spots so iv been ripping the mood spots, and doubled up the dose of concentrate.

I almost said fuck it and got azetrol isn't it pretty harsh but will wipe everything the hell out?
Since I found BT concentrate my girls will be sprayed weekly and I use about a quart on .my 9 1/2 plants. I'm going to get a sprayer my next trip into town. I'd hate to fall victim to bud worm at this stage of the game. :-)
Since I found BT concentrate my girls will be sprayed weekly and I use about a quart on .my 9 1/2 plants. I'm going to get a sprayer my next trip into town. I'd hate to fall victim to bud worm at this stage of the game. :-)
Seriously it's heartbreaking and there poop is what cause bud rought so it's like a double heartbreak
But yeah weekly and your good.
And mabey up your does after a while I was doing weekly but I started seeing them again, so I doubled my dose in case there getting a tolerance.
Yeah man idk what's up the worms have been getting me this year and started causing mold spots so iv been ripping the mood spots, and doubled up the dose of concentrate.
I almost said fuck it and got azetrol isn't it pretty harsh but will wipe everything the hell out?
not to sure, it's my first year spraying it. But I haven't seen nearly the amount of Catty/Worm damage-sites as last year *knocks on wood*
I thought I was spraying enough... apparently not. I think read online that I should adjust it's Ph, but I never did for my spraying. :confused:
I'm loaded with beneficial insects and I want to be careful that I don't use anything to drive them away. I should be safe with BT.