Downward curling leaves....What is this from?


Well-Known Member
s in my grow journal, I have one AK-47, one white widow, two northern lights #5 growing in a shed with A/C.....I'm trying to keep the humidity up around 60% since I have a mild problem with spider mites that I believe I may have under control. (I caught the issue early so it hasn't overtaken anything yet.)

My plant issue is, some of leaves are curling down and under and seem kind of dry. I've tried spaying the underside with water to see if that would help perk them up but didn't make any difference. Would a fan possibly blowing to much air on them cause some of the leaves to dry out and curl?

Thanks, ~Outlaw~


Well-Known Member
Yeah a fan could dry them out a little bit, but more likely you have a different problem. Can u get a pic up?


Well-Known Member
Yes, I was going to post a picture but the batteries in the camera need recharged......I'll post a picture a little later today.....

Leaves are still green, just curled under. I switched to a smaller fan this morning....I've noticed the curling the past couple of days but didn't think it was the fan. The more I thought about it the more I felt it was the fan causing the problem. I'm approximately 14 days into flower, cross breeding, trying to get some good seeds.



i've had this happen before and it could've been a few things but i never figured out what it was but it did go away. i thought i gave em too much fertilizer so i flushed the crap out of the plant then let it sit a few days and it helped the leaves stopped curling . another time i had this problem i was'nt using any fertilizers so i flushed and it didd'nt stop but i noticed that my soil was'nt fluffy or airy enough and diddnt drain well so i transplanted it and about a week later my plant was happy. dont know what was the problem but if your using nutes maybe let off few, check temps,and if your soil is compacted repot the plant and cut your soil with some perlite.
good luck


Active Member
It looks like a light problem to me. Is this foliage in the direct light? Everytime I see this it is because it its either passed the light or way in the back or too far from the light.


Active Member
Im having this same problem, but mostly on new growth and at the top canopy, i thought it may be because it was root bound as its 7 feet tall in a 4 gallon pot. but i was told by a pro grower that "my" problem was because it was under watered, being 7ft tall i have to now submerge the entire pot into and large tub of water/nute's. and the second thing wrong was i didnt have enough light coverage, so i mylar'd my ceiling and floor and a few other bits. leaves got slightly better and new growth is much improved.


Active Member
Cut back on the fertilizer. How often are you fertilizing? Looks like too much. Curling leaves are an early sign of it.


Well-Known Member
I haven't used any sprays other than water in a quart spray bottle with 2 drops of down soap in it. No pesticides, etc..... I don't think I'm over fertilizing, using fox farm nutes, grow big and tiger bloom at 1/2 rate every other watering....There are no burnt leaves, tips, anything that shown me any signs of nute burn.
All four plants are in 5 gallon buckets approximately 3 1/2 feet tall, with a mix of 1/2 peatmoss, 1/2 dirt and approximately 1/3 perlite. The mixture has worked excellent to this point in the grow.
The plants overall aren't wilting, that wouldbe a sign of underwatering. I water every 4 days roughly.
I am gonna try flushing and see if by chance there is an abundance of nutes built up in the soil and see if it helps smooth things out.



I haven't used any sprays other than water in a quart spray bottle with 2 drops of down soap in it. No pesticides, etc..... I don't think I'm over fertilizing, using fox farm nutes, grow big and tiger bloom at 1/2 rate every other watering....There are no burnt leaves, tips, anything that shown me any signs of nute burn.
All four plants are in 5 gallon buckets approximately 3 1/2 feet tall, with a mix of 1/2 peatmoss, 1/2 dirt and approximately 1/3 perlite. The mixture has worked excellent to this point in the grow.
The plants overall aren't wilting, that wouldbe a sign of underwatering. I water every 4 days roughly.
I am gonna try flushing and see if by chance there is an abundance of nutes built up in the soil and see if it helps smooth things out.


let us know what solves this problem i get this every now and then.


Well-Known Member
Alright, I flushed each with 1 1/2 gallons of water. Things have leveled off and not gotten any worse. I think there was nute build up in the soil....not 100% sure though. My theory is that when I fed, I didn't saturate the soil well enough and it would dry out faster than the plant could take in the nutes every other time. I was using 1/2 gallon water for each 5 gallons of soil. Just a guess, but the flush seemed to clear things up. I will start trying 3/4 to 1 gallon when watering from now on just to see if that keeps it from happening again.

I have approximately 5 weeks left till harvest, hope all goes well.



Active Member
looks like my plant it just showed a female three days ago....the leaves are curled like that some worse than others...but not the new ones...seems like it doesnt affect the plant though cause mine has had leaves like that for half a month now...still no serious problems though