Dozers Secret Hydro Lab: Part Deux


Well-Known Member
Stretch is still taking her sweet time, but seems to be filling out as time progresses:


She's still a looong way off bushie, who's looking more like "done" every day:

Bushie looks and smells sooooo dank! I'm glad I asked for advice from you, FDD. If I didn't have good advice binding me to wait, I'd have let impatience get the best of me by now. As it stands, I fed the girls on Friday, and I'm considering one more feeding next week before I begin flushing.

How long do you guys think I have before it's time to put the chop down?



Well-Known Member
bushie looks really, really good. what i like to do is wait until i think it's ready and then start my flush. this way i force myself to have to wait even 2 more weeks. :)


Well-Known Member
That sounds like sage advice mate. I've resolved to stay the course. At this point, an extra week give or take shouldn't make a bit of difference.

At this point, the plan is one more feeding next friday, then re-evaluate.

Did nobody tell these plants that they are supposed to operate on my schedule?
I mean, really, the nerve of those girls. ;)

D0z3r out.


Active Member
The upward saw toothed leaf curl is classic heat stress. Install 18" attic fans or axial fans to move serious CFM's (cubic feet per minute) of air into and out of your space. Use a large furnace filter (allergy type) to limit the outside intake of mites and microbes. 70-80 degrees, 40-70% humidity is optimal. Next, bump up to as many 1000w as you can afford to reduce leggy internodal growth. Rule of thumb: 1000w for every four square feet. Read everything by Jorge Cervantes and fight for the right to grow a garden!


Well-Known Member
Hey Foodweb,

I'm already moving 600CF/M out of my 16inches(wide)X4Foot(long)X7Foot(height) space(37Cubic Feet Volume). Therefore, at present, I'm changing the air out of my space 16.21 times per minute. For reasons I am unwilling to go into, I am unable to vent directly outdoors, so I'm venting into an adjacent room and cooling air at the intake with a portable AC unit. At present, the temp in there stays just below 80. During the summer, when it's really hot outside, it got to be 89-90 in there regularly, which is what caused the heat stress. At this point, the environment in there is super. My space can clearly not support a 1000W lamp.


The upward saw toothed leaf curl is classic heat stress. Install 18" attic fans or axial fans to move serious CFM's (cubic feet per minute) of air into and out of your space. Use a large furnace filter (allergy type) to limit the outside intake of mites and microbes. 70-80 degrees, 40-70% humidity is optimal. Next, bump up to as many 1000w as you can afford to reduce leggy internodal growth. Rule of thumb: 1000w for every four square feet. Read everything by Jorge Cervantes and fight for the right to grow a garden!


Well-Known Member
bushie looks really, really good. what i like to do is wait until i think it's ready and then start my flush. this way i force myself to have to wait even 2 more weeks. :)
thats my favorite way too.
kinda like setting my clock up 15 minutes so i am early..
it seems like my plants could always use a little more time


Well-Known Member
Thanks man!
I think I may even give them YET another week of ferts before beginning my flush. She really started to fill out this week, and I think I'm committed to waiting until they both finish to begin my flush. One more week at this point is not going to kill me.

D0z3r appreciates the moral support. Surely he will stay strong and end up with some really, really, killer medicine when this is said and done.

bushie looks sweet


Well-Known Member
Good people of rollitup:

Another week has gone by, and stretch is beginning to take shape. Letting her finish up has definitely increased my yield significantly! At first, I thought bushie would account for about %80 of this harvest, but it's looking closer to %60/40 at this time. This wouls be awesome, except for the fact that it's taking waaaaaay too long! hurry up stretch!!

Anyways, here's some photos:


mr west

Well-Known Member
looking goood dozer, defo worth waiting, so how long now another week or so till the cylax have swollen?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure mate. I sure hope they're done swelling in a week! If I had my way, they'd be done now. lol. :weed: I figure I'll play it by ear. If they're looking done'ish by Friday, then I'll likely begin the flush. If they can use another week, then I'll sigh, and give them more nutes, and check again in ANOTHER week.

Please hurry little stretchie! Dozer wants you!

looking goood dozer, defo worth waiting, so how long now another week or so till the cylax have swollen?


Well-Known Member
Hello boys and girls!
Things are getting hairy in D0z3rville. You see, Stretch is determined not to get with the program. As a result, I have one plant ready to go today, and another who just wants one more month to finish up. Normally, this would not be an issue, but D0z3r needs to move on the 1st of December. :cuss:
What this means, of course, is Stretch needs to hurry the fuck up! Unfortunately, as Stretch is not yet fluent in English, I'm going to have to learn how to say "hurry the fuck up" in Sativa. You may wonder: "How on Earth do you plan to do that?!?". Fear not, Rollitup. D0z3r has a plan.

D0z3r's Hypothesis:
Cannabis determines it's life cycle based on it's environment. Specifically, Cannabis knows it's time to begin flowering when the Summer equinox occurs. Presumably, it takes further cues from the photoperiod that winter is on the way. Reducing the photoperiod to ten hours should convince Stretch that winter is on her, and it's time to reproduce before it's too late.

Reduce photoperiod to 10on/14off for one week. Observe changes, if any in rate of growth.

Has anyone here tried this before?



Well-Known Member
Just two sativa clones growing up in the hydro lab.
Buishie's gonna be a football star!

Stretch is lagging behind! Yaaaaaaargh! Dozer's got to move boys and girls, and time is getting short. I have but two weeks to finish, flush, clean the cab, and dismantle the bookshelf! Stretch is giving no indication that she intends to finish up in my time frame. As such, I have started to accept that she might mot make it in time to be killer meds like her sister. I've changed the photoperiod to eight hours of sun and fourteen hours of night. I hope that this will trick the plant into thinking winter is here, and it needs to hurry up and drop seed. For the final stretch, I've added some carboload to the water, and a wee bit of big bud for the final bit of phos. My PPM is running at about 120-150PPM at this time. I intend to begin my flush in earnest, next monday and harvest Thanksgiving weekend. More on how that works out in a week.
For now, here are some pictures on how Stretch is progressing:

Subtle Hustle

Active Member
Goood to see your stuff is doing good your kinda of source of inspiration for me on my grow now check it out Got my 8 pack WaterFarm up and going (Pics) get some more pics soon.

We decided to go with 4 1000 Watt HPS in the flowering room where you see the girls now without the blue tinge. The shots with the blue tinge is the new veg room whitch just got boosted up to 16 buckets. (If anybody has any experiance with this blue light i.e. Big Blue please let me know.

Thanks for the help.



Well-Known Member
It is with a heavy-ish heart that D0z3r must report, last Saturday, both bushie and stretchie have met their ends at the hands of yours truly.
They've had good, long(too long if you ask me) lives, and now it's about time they began working for D0z3r in the capacity of primo medicine.

What I've learned:

I need more light!
Light reflection is complicated, and important to understand!
External ventilation is absolutely mandatory for my setup!
8 weeks of flowering time is almost always inadequate.
AK-47 is really tasty!

Anyhow.... enough ranting.... more pictures!!!

I will post one more series of high resolution, close-up photos of buds once everyone is all dry and stuff.

How much do you think I picked?


