DR 120 4x4. 600 w/1000w/ 2 x 600w?


Hey guys so I am looking to set up my new groom. It will be a DR120. Was originally thinking a DR 150 but from what I read here its too awkward a shape to use. I have one vent in the room for extraction or intake, which is where the chimney used be so it will be venting up the chimney

Ok so things that I have already are 2 x 100 litre coolers (the ones to store beers, drinks etc when camping), ph pen, ec metre, Reverse Osmosis filter hydroton and rockwool.

I already have my eyes on one of those industriial pumps. Either a secoh el- 60, Hailea Hi Blow or Medo 45. If any one can give me advice on which one would be the quietest as it will be in the bedroom next door. Need it as silent as possible.

The fan im looking at is an 8" L1 RVK which is rated at just over a 1000 cfm. I will be getting a 8 inch Rhino filter to go along with it as well as acoustic ducting. Also I will be getting the SMS Hybrid 4 amp controller. The reason for such a big fan is to reduce the sound via lowering the speed. Again any input on this appreciated.

Now the lights issue. So I was originally thinking a 1kw light would be best as it would look the best (less sophisticated/big or whatever). I dont think Ill have enough headroom though. The cooler are 22 inches high and the tent is 78 inches high. That leaves max 56 inches. Im guessing 12 inches from top of coolers to scrog net so thats 44 inches. another 12-14 inches for how high the colas will be over the scrog net leaves me with 30 inches. So that leaves me 30 inches for the light, fan + filter and the distance from the light to top of the plants. im guessing the fan and filter will be about 12 - 14 inches so thats 16 inches for the light plus the distance from the light to plant tops.

Can anyone advise me here? Not even sure if I have room for a 600 watt
. Now I know I could put the filter outside the fan but I think it would be better to intake from the room and extract out the chimney via fan then filter.

Also to note I am in Ireland so we would be probably 5 degrees cooler than the UK. I dont think heat will be the issue as much as height. I dont really have much more height to be able to get a 7 foot tent either although I prob could and extract from the top side instead of the top of the tent. But I dont think they have side access for scrog plus are like an extra 350 euro

So Im wondering should I go for an aircooled hood? Any recommendations on a 1kw if I should? Have I enough room for it. If I go aircooled though Id need to buy another fan controller to quieten it down which I dont really wanna do.

From what I have read people have recommended 2 x 600watts over a 1kw in general on here for a 4 x 4.
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Well-Known Member
I use a 4x4 for each of my 1000w. Definitely go air cooled, especially in a tent. It will be a lot easier to control your temperatures. If you do decide on 1000w, go DE and get a ac/de air cooled DE reflector. You won't be disappointed, DE hps is the best lights on the market right now.


Hey 707 Thanks for the reply. They dont have that particular brand here but they do have others. Can I ask how much height the air cooled reflector takes? If i get air cooled reflector id have to get another fan and controller to quieten it down which I dont really have the money for. Quietness is a major issue. Id need one fan blowing air through the light and back out and another fan sucking air through the filter and up the chimney is that right? I could intake air from the chimney into the tent via passive intake. connect ducting to the chimney vent. Then have a fan connected to the aircooled reflector blowing air through the air cooled reflector then through ducting outside the tent and through a filter. So i would be dumping my air in the room the tent is in but as I have an intake from outside that should be fine. Sound right?


Well-Known Member
Depends on how cool you can get the light for the high. I can get mine to around18-24" no problem, but I use an ac and air cooled hoods.

You could do a sealed room and just pull air though your hoods, and use co2 to supplement.

The two bulb ones are good if you want to use the same room for veg/flower. You can put a mh bulb in one side and an hps in the other and just plug in which ever one you want to use. Other than that IMO its overkill.


Thanks humboldt 18-24 inches is too much distance to be honest. Uh im so confused. I dunno about co2. I reckon it would be seen as a very advanced set up if i was nabbed by the police


Active Member
A decent 600w HPS SE bulb is fully sufficient for a 4x4 tent. The reflector does not have to be air cooled, but you will need to exhaust the air from the tent, probably continuously. A DE bulb is a bit overkill for such a small tent. I doubt you will find a DE setup in Europe that offers a remote ballast; in contrast, almost all SE setups are remote, allowing you to run the ballast outside the tent, which greatly aids temp control.