Dr.Amber Trichome: Super Lemon Haze and Snow White Fingerez Scrog Style


Well-Known Member
oh oh oh - snow whites look pretty!! I can't wait to see what that strain is going to do for you!
by the way - there are a lot of newbies who sub'd to your new thread Ambs.... welcome to all of you!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:clap: love the elvira pic, looks all shiny new and funky!

love the musical taste too ;) i saw cypress hill a few months back was awesome!

happy gardening Doc
I look at Cypress Hill as the modern day Bob Marley.
I have been so hooked on their new album Rise It Up ever since it first came out last year. I concider it to be the album of 2010. Introducing Tom Morello from Rage Against the Machine was brilliant. I think that He should be a permanant member of Cypress Hill. They unfortunately did not tour my area. I wanted to go to the Halloween Gigs either in NYC or PHILLY. Shit... i used to live in Philly, so that one was hard to swallow. Its a dream of mine to meet them one day and light it up, blaze it up....with them. They are brilliant!

Subb'd, need a front row seat for this, Dr amber i wana see a forest in this beast of a tent u've got. As for this whole intake fan fiasco, no u dont NEED one, but having one will only do your tent/plants more good! Hell i had 3!

Stay up
Hey Lil', I think there are still a few front row seats available..haahahha, grab on dude!!!, and dont forget to pack your dope with you cause we will be smokin the entire way through this one!!!:bigjoint:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:
I would LUV LUV LUV see a forest too, that would be so wonderful! Thanks for the huge green visual,and the positive vibe.
thats cool you have 3 intake fans ... I cant wait to get mine plugged in!! the sound of life, yah!:peace:

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hi Keeks, :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
I grew Snow white before, my very first grow in the tron, last year.That was such a fucked grow.. I "HST" the shit out of her. I brutalized her, I almost killed her.. it was mortifingly painful. I even did a painting about the whole experience called "THE PHOTOTRON BLUES" . But I was able to save her and she gave me so much lovin bud it was unreal. I still have a 1/4 jar of her to smoke. She's a mellow high, good couch lock, a bluesy woozy relaxing but positive creative uplifting high. I think you would really dig her.
Im going to post a write up of some of her quailites a bit later.

Im looking forward to your weekly Friday update, especiallly the SLH that I think got us connected in the first place. That super lemon haze has some cool magical healing powers, perfect for the universe!:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:;-)
So stoked with with the new friends Im making here I think they lilke to PARTY!!!!!!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke::mrgreen:hahahhaha, your funny GG13. ..give me some of her magic mushrooms then you might see Ambs takin it off!!!!!!!! ;-)
.. Now your just being a tease :twisted: Got me all twisted up :eyesmoke:
sorry that was very indecent of me, unfortuently it might happen again:lol: so be prepared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL

I'm really loving the Dr's Orders ! It's been way too long since I have heard Stone Free~ NiceNess
COOL. I worship Hendrix like you cant imagine. Ill be playing alot more of him in this journal, you might want to upgrade your speakers.LOL
haha i like you Doc!!!
aww thanks, thats nice;-)


Well-Known Member
Dr Amber~
Where did you get that bag of Co2 ? Looks really clean and easy.
I feel like I could use some "if 6 was 9". feel me?
SO I am stoned on some #18 and just decided it was time to look at your Elvira art. And wow, it drew me in slowly then really had me looking into joy then anger to the point of being intimidated. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Goedemorgen Juffrouw,

Just about to......
[youtube]NnY7mAhj_io[/youtube] when Cypress was the real $hizz..

Utility knickers ftw!


Well-Known Member
dad gum it, i thought that i was sub'd to this thread. i was all, hmmm no updates? lol but i'm here now! weeeeeeeee............

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:-Pman this room is gettin SMOKED OUT!!!!!!!!! lovin it!!
Looks like there are some tokers in here who can get down and funky..very groovy and seriously hip...
welll to start off week 2... heres a straight up cool ass dude that had some serious funk funk funk.. HERES some funky shit for ya'll
TURN IT UP and blaze it up stoners... :joint::eyesmoke:bongsmiliebongsmilie:mrgreen::joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
POSTING YOUTUBE VIDEOS (for anyone who cares....) Step Yin!

You are writing simple "mark up langauge" code to have the video appear on your post. I am making two posts for this as it's hard to do it without confusing.

Step 1, get the youtube code. This is obtained from the website address, it's basically the code after the = sign. So for Rick its: Ig263dzOn3Q (i marked that in RED). This gets added inbetween the brackets used for the "mark up language"


then just type the brackets and add the youtube code:

You then need to add the closing bracket....cont


Well-Known Member
Step Twa:
Then close it off using like so.....

Kind of like this but with differetn brackets {youtube}lg263dzOn3Q{/youtube} but you use the [] instead of the {}

Sheesh, that seems confusing now I have written it...it all seemed so simple in my mind, ah well. Good luck.