G'Morning my fellow tokesters! DOC! So sorry to hear about your Hash Hell. That really sucks. When concentrated; especially in edibles, this herb we know and love can be QUITE POWERFUL! I bet you woulda been fine with 1 cookie, but I think 3 hash cookies would send any of us to the moon! Or pluto. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Girls are lloking good Ambo! That autoblue is a trip! I put on my benefit for Japan on Saturday. We played and my friend did live painting and we had a blunt raffle and all sorts of fun shenanigans. We raised 500 dollars to send to the Red Cross. I feel very good about it and am still feeling the high from it! Giiiiiirl, I hate shopping too! I have straight up anxiety attacks! hahaha. What's with fools moving so slow?!?! I always think, "You might not have anything else to do today, BUT I SURE DO. MOVE IT!" HA. If I didn't smoke copious amounts of doobie, I would probably stangle someone in the grocery store. Shit, I need a bongosaurus right now just thinking about it!
And yes, please tell how to make our pics "mega-size". I hate those thumbnails too!
Howard, your recipes are extremely homosexual. Ha. Kidding. I think it's funny that you laugh about it. I'm getting everything today to make your gyros

This bushman has a giant folder dedicated to recipes! How fruity is THAT? The gyro one is going in! (with fries and cheese OF COURSE). Cheese makes EVERYTHING better. Everything. Sounds like a california burrito, except greek. I'll meet you at Taco Bell holmes, value meal's on me.
Last night I made Polynesian chicken, curry cous-cous and a bake-a-potato. I think we might have to start a cooking thread. Martha "Bushybush" Stewart up in here!
Sorry for the rambles Doc, but I'm feelin goooooood today!