Dr.Amber Trichome: Super Lemon Haze and Snow White Fingerez Scrog Style

fuck yeah doc! tunes sweet like freefrom crazy time. pics are great, SLH looks deeelish. a pint of stout cantaloupe and chocolope sounds like a crazy mix but i bet it works a charm.

from here forth i think elbows should replace bic lighters for size comparisons.
ahh looking at that auto blue again it could be ready in a couple of weeks but the snow whites are a bit longer i think? i think we should re-evaluate this time next week then maybe start a flush??? there looking much better in general now doc i think the nitrex has deff worked :)
HIgh, hey las here are my snow white girlies..
some funky leaf illness on this first image. its MOrtisha!:joint:??? me thinks or elvira??

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Elvira down below... The healthier one. :joint::hump:
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whatcha thinks?????????? :peace::peace::peace::mrgreen:
not sure to be honest but i think with the look of the leaves i would carefully remove them, being esp carefull not to let them touch any other leaf and destroy/remove from room.

some people use this as a method of growing, removing all the sticking out fan leaves but i dont (well i have tried it) its a false economy removing leaves in my eyes but i would surley remove the crispy leaves thats for sure :)
not sure to be honest but i think with the look of the leaves i would carefully remove them, being esp carefull not to let them touch any other leaf and destroy/remove from room.

some people use this as a method of growing, removing all the sticking out fan leaves but i dont (well i have tried it) its a false economy removing leaves in my eyes but i would surley remove the crispy leaves thats for sure :)
hhahahhhahh.. what.? could this be FUNGUS???
DEsTroy and ROmove the room??.. LMAO!!!!!!!!! i know it looks bad, but im not going to destroy and remove my room. I just cleaned it ff sake and i didnt you see the new beautiful collage i just put on the wall.. YOUR MAD!!!!!!!!! im not going to burn my garage down for this plant. YOu have taken this to far mate.. i refuse to follow these instructions.. can you come up with another plan. Maybe peroxide the tent.. ?? without a match... lol
wicked update as per doc, thanks for the elbow comparison lol. Mortisha is looking sexy as ever, calyx look to be swelling. I gotta admit though, elvira is stacking on some serious weight and is gettin me all riled up. Its crazy how much difference a few days make.
Good rule of thumb is if its 50 % crisp etc its just draining resources to try n sustain it. Elvis looks like she has a pink tinge. I didnt the slh did. Brucey bonus!!!
PLants often use fan leaves to leach out unwanted elements. Those look to be yelowing a bit from the outside which generally can mean a mg deficiency, but not necessarily through lack of mg. I would pull off and move on keeping a close eye on the leaves surrounding it. Perhaps a little feed of that juice you asked me about (same one as my Pokon - Groen Kracht).

Things are looking super dooper though Dr!!!!!

I am sure you'll like the Chocolope they sell over here as well, it's a big seller in the Grey Area.

Have a nice day,

Good Day Amb. Hope you'r good me friend lol. Love they Pic's you put out, good grower's can allway's do other majic with there finger's! Just check las ;)
What up DAT? Looking mighty fine in your garden! Nice pics and art as usual! Love the elbow shot. I'm envious your plants are looking great! When is harvest time for you? Im about 2 1/2 weeks away! Take care and happy growing. Have a great Memorial Day weekend! Hopefully the sun comes back our way!
fuck yeah doc! tunes sweet like freefrom crazy time. pics are great, SLH looks deeelish. a pint of stout cantaloupe and chocolope sounds like a crazy mix but i bet it works a charm.
from here forth i think elbows should replace bic lighters for size comparisons.
Hi dawgy donnie, fuck yeah! i love the flowering stage. I love me big flowers!.. the mix is potent and wonderfully intoxicating!
Love your music, your art and your style Dr........love the collage too! Keep up the good stuff
Hey GreenIce, nice to have you around these parts. Thanks for the compliments. I will try to continue to keep things rolling here on a postive note till the end. Peace
wicked update as per doc, thanks for the elbow comparison lol. Mortisha is looking sexy as ever, calyx look to be swelling. I gotta admit though, elvira is stacking on some serious weight and is gettin me all riled up. Its crazy how much difference a few days make.
Thanks wowzie. Mortisha is a fuckin beast dude. Yeah, her calyx are swelling big time these dayz. Elvira is driving me nuts too. i get those two sexy women confused on a daily basis. One is a bit scrawnier than the other. Her braches are thinner and her buds are smaller. The weight of her buds is a bit concerning. I just banded her up yesterday to keep all her shit together.lol..later man
Good rule of thumb is if its 50 % crisp etc its just draining resources to try n sustain it. Elvis looks like she has a pink tinge. I didnt the slh did. Brucey bonus!!!
ha, elvis.. ha, yeah what a sexy beast with a pink tinge.hahah, a pink tongue too. what the fuck are you saying donnie dawg? whos Brucey.. im all confused. but it sounds good anyway.Thanks
I like whats going on here. May I join the party? :)
Very delicious thread.
Yes, your welcome to join the party if you like to have fun and be fun. Positive vibes are always welcomed here. yum yum
What up DAT? Looking mighty fine in your garden! Nice pics and art as usual! Love the elbow shot. I'm envious your plants are looking great! When is harvest time for you? Im about 2 1/2 weeks away! Take care and happy growing. Have a great Memorial Day weekend! Hopefully the sun comes back our way!
hey seaDoom, whats going on? man i dont know when harvest is.. just that its getting closer all the time. I have so much to do before then and still trying hard to keep the girls healthy. Growing different stains is a tricky thing. It take a lot of thinking and prep .Everyday im presented with new and different challenges. Thanks for stopping by and giving me some love. I appreciate it. YOu have a wonderful Memorial Day as well. ive given up on the sun doomster... just rolling with punches and keeping good and stoned. Later man.
hey oh, DST, i forgot to reply to your post about the leaves. Thanks for your input.. here are the 2 girls that i am most concerned about at this point.. check it out.:peace:
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Snow White, her greenery is getting sucked out of her once again.
I am feeding them all today and im not sure what to feed these two girls.
Im thinking a fix of Nitrex to boost the Nitrogen level for greener leaves.. and add some BioBloom for the buddage.:mrgreen:

Same for this super Lemon haze below. These 2 girls are located next to eachother in the tent and Im wondering if this could be light bleaching?????:peace:

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super Lemon Haze, Queenie, was my greenest now shes not.

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tent last night..
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I really like this sculpture i saw this past weekend. :joint::mrgreen:
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Did i ever show you my bitchin VOCLANO! love this machine. This is the bag i did this morning with Super Silver Haze.. the SSHITZZZZ MAN.. yah
oh, the middle light aint supposed to be on..not warm enough.. oh well.. still worked nice.:mrgreen: