Dr.Amber Trichome
Well-Known Member

im just drinking some rotten coffee starting the work day ..have to work with some dip shit goof ball today. i wish i was baked.hahaha no wakey bakey this mornin... well i guess your probelby flying high right about now Deastie .. as i do believe your 420 just struck like ...errrr 21 minutes ago.. you lucky son of a bitch!!!! ill get ya back later.. lets see when its my 420 its your...BEDTIME!!! i cant even tease you , you mo foe!!! goddammit!!

yeah, dstie , im get sooo jealous of me husband fondeling the girlys..hahahah, especially when he sticks his nose in their buds.. that REALLY REALLY Pisses me off. Im always yelling at him.. "DONT TOUCH THE BUDS WITH YOUR FOOKING NOSE!!!!" then the wife abuse starts and he gets a hard beating..hahahaha i love slap the bitch up.POW KICK SLAP.. he loves it!!!hahah im sooo mean!