DR. aMbRa TrYcoMbs***** SuMmEr BUD baKE*******2011*****12/12 gRowiN'


Well-Known Member
I was going to say exactly the same thing. If you flush I may be forced to jump on a plane and come over and give you a friendly slap! NO FUKKIN FLUSHIN YET GIRL

If you are waiting for your Hesi then just give them a normal water until you get it. Plants don't mind taking a bit of a break. There will still be plenty of food left in the medium and if you got a good active system in the coco it will deal with the temp shotfall in nutes.

When to flush:
No new vegatative growth (i.e white hairs)
Calyxes start to swell out - they remind me a bit of artichoke leaves at this point.
The hairs are not only amber, but they arealso receeding, they are receeding because your calyxes are swelling so much.
This is when to flush!!!!!

Listen closely, I will zay zis only w'ance! NO FLUSHING YET! lol.

to early to flush........you are going to short change yourself.............thats all im going to say

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
LMAO .. ok ok no flushy wushy...i will look for the signs that you mention , i get a bit nervous knowing that i only have one week of peak potency. i need to make sure i chopchop that peak weak. thanks for the advice. its getting closer and closer..and the excitement is building. bubblebomb keeps fattening and exploding .. it wont stop..its like a bubble monster.lol


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear it Ambs, lol. Oh, and what scare mongeror told you that you only have 1 week of potency? I don't think that is necessarily true. Some strains have a number of weeks where they can be taken down depending on the type of effect you want.


Well-Known Member
I usually feed plain water the last week or so anyway... and I don't flush in the conventional sense... My flush is done every feeding, so there isnt much to flush at chop time.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear it Ambs, lol. Oh, and what scare mongeror told you that you only have 1 week of potency? I don't think that is necessarily true. Some strains have a number of weeks where they can be taken down depending on the type of effect you want.
Not a scaremongerer D, it was from an article I posted on my thread (Which you never stop by ;) )


Well-Known Member
My apologies, I don't stop by most peoples own journal on the 600's thread ;)

Perhaps if you are trying to find a specific effect from a plant a 1 week harvest window is true.

I just feel there is too much anal-ness around mj sometimes that's all.


Well-Known Member
My apologies, I don't stop by most peoples own journal on the 600's thread ;)

Perhaps if you are trying to find a specific effect from a plant a 1 week harvest window is true.

I just feel there is too much anal-ness around mj sometimes that's all.
Then dont get mad when I flood the 6 with bud porn ;) lol


Well-Known Member
What, weed with sticky white hot piss all over it, how very dare you!!!!

second thoughts, spam away......


Well-Known Member
There is a lot of great growers on this thread alone, learning is priceless!!!! Thanks all, I am learning a ton here!




Active Member
If nothing else, I have learned from this site that there are some WRONG ways to do things, but there is no one RIGHT way.
I guess ya, that is a better way to say it... but really... in my experience... it still grows. I have found it hard to completely kill or ruin a pot plant... maybe its cuz i give em too much love to go bad...

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hahahahha, funny funny dst your funny funny.
thanks for stopping by bc99. i appreciate your input and love love your budporn... feel free to pimp my thread up anytime with your gorgeous photos.
are you talking about the let it rain approach then? the riddleme let it rain thingy..?? bkb does that too. I need to read up on that thread. bkb thanks for giving me the link here in my journal.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I guess ya, that is a better way to say it... but really... in my experience... it still grows. I have found it hard to completely kill or ruin a pot plant... maybe its cuz i give em too much love to go bad...
then i guess you havent seen OHMY's plant..hahahah. ohmys cool ..he wont mind me pimpin his little raggedy slut im sure.


Well-Known Member
then i guess you havent seen OHMY's plant..hahahah. ohmys cool ..he wont mind me pimpin his little raggedy slut im sure.
Thank you ;-) for the plug lol, keeping it real in the sticks where I live, hope santa brings me a few bails of coco and some water farms so i can get the heck away from all the bugs and sticky traps,I have a northren lights auto I will have to drag out for a photo shoot lol, this time I will take a picture before I hack her ass up :D


Well-Known Member
LMAO .. ok ok no flushy wushy...i will look for the signs that you mention , i get a bit nervous knowing that i only have one week of peak potency. i need to make sure i chopchop that peak weak. thanks for the advice. its getting closer and closer..and the excitement is building. bubblebomb keeps fattening and exploding .. it wont stop..its like a bubble monster.lol
dont worry about all this one week of peak potency, peak is in the eye of the beholder, if you have other nutes like bio or something just feed them that til you get your hesi, ive used bio on mine at times.........the bubble will go and go......let it........

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
besdies being a fuckin massive exploiding big ass cola girly lookin so good to eat.. .. the other one is showing these burnt rusty leaves. what could it be i dont know other than magnuisum deficeny so I made up a solution of he usual feed PLUs some extra Magnisium. it was shocking to see this happen to her. but i think she will be ok if you can help. :blsmoke:

still had some hesi cooc left.. so i think i should be good if the postal service is correct and delivery comes wedsn.
still chekin trichome.. im not seeing many ambers yet.. either... some more amber pistils daily , some clumps in the cheeze.. like spots of mold..ahahhaha
other than that looking quite flamboyant in there.. so im going to show off.. check it out............loving this grow!!!!!!!!!:joint::peace::joint::peace::joint::peace:
and i luv you all too :mrgreen:happy holidayz

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Well-Known Member
Damn girl , you know how to keep all the sexy ladys happy. ur hubby must walk around all day with a big ass smile on his face....Keep up the great work