DR. aMbRa TrYcoMbs***** SuMmEr BUD baKE*******2011*****12/12 gRowiN'

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
thats exactly what i thought it was.:lol: nice one.

a little piece of metal royalty were in town the other night. nepalm death mean anythin to you doc?

hope your feeling better too pet.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
thats exactly what i thought it was.:lol: nice one.

a little piece of metal royalty were in town the other night. nepalm death mean anythin to you doc?

hope your feeling better too pet.
heheeh tricked you . that aint me! im cuter. lmao..
oh yeah napalm death. yeah i know em, seen em. those dirty bastards. Saw them in Tampa Florida back in the death metal dayz when tampa was the shit for death metal. met that lead singer outside the show AFTER I GOT KICKED OUT FOR smoking a doobie.
So we saw him going to his tour bus and were like hey i just got kicked otta the show for trying to smoke a joint! do you wanna smoke it with us?
he replyed. no i dont get high.. and snobbed us out. that dick.

I hope you had a better meeting with him/them then i did. do they get HIGH yet? lmao

yeah im feeling much better thanks pumpkin. im headed to the dentist soon . cant wait for a little laughing gas. yumm yumm.. is that enough she always asks.. no no no .. more.. haha

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lmao employing a skinning up double these days are we? :lol: yeah napalm death are a reet scruffy bunch lol snobbsnubbed :shock: by NPD ?! lmao probably a recovering H fiend those self righteous pricks.

glad your on the mend, enjoy the gas!?!?

you like action bronson?



Well-Known Member
I think I have prob said before, but I like to harvest when the flower looks like it has stopped growing, I feel that a plant is then ready to pick, but everyone likes different things, that's what makes the world a wonderful place.....so get back in line and behave like the government tell you to do! lol.

EDIT: And I think Amber had that avatar before if I remember rightly....?? Now stop looking at those knees and wondering whats further up that leg Don, hahahahahaha.....what, it's only me doing that? oops.


Well-Known Member
Ambz plants look real good! Drawings are coming to life, excellent work as always!!!

Do you always grow 12/12 from seed?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hI thanks billcollector and bkb.lol haha wtf? lol
no i dont always grow 12/12 from seed. I actually have a waterfarm that i just switched to 12/12 from about 4 weeks 18/6.
funny you should ask though , i was thinking that im not going to ever do 18/6 again . . i dont think its worth the money in electricity i spend. dude my bill was worthy of tears. fuck 18/6. i aint rich enough for it.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
man wouldnt this have made an awesome 12/12 from seed rocks chrimbo postcard.. it reminds me of a poinsettia..lol..with the bright red stems..isnt she purdy! maybe next year.


Well-Known Member
I wish I made a 12/12 sign maybe I would of won a kick ass pOsters! Whats the next competition going to be Ambz, New Years Eve Bud Porn Centerfold Contest? LOL


Well-Known Member
I don't think that is the Pruple pheno Ambs, although what are the temps dropping to at night? DO you know?

As far as finishing, I would say another 2 weeks and they will be about there. I can just see the start if the foxtailing, these puppies should hopefully start bursting our now. Please do nothing hasting and chop over Xmas, I am sure Mr Trichome is prodding for a flush, lol.(that sounds not right, lol). I will be back in a week, please post a pic then. I promise, you will not regret it. I'll try and find a pic of the purple cheese for ya.....


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
okily dokily dst. i will look for the cool foxtailing and post more pictures in a week.
my night time temps go down to about 65 f...18 C degrees . i try to keep it as warm as possible in there . thinkin might be good to keep down stretch??
im delighted with the blood red stems. really really pretty contrast and holiday cheer. like cheese and wine. yummy
I hope you have a wonderful time . remember to give cgg a big wet kiss for me.lol. and if you see kb. please dont get too down. keep her high, smiling and laughing the whole time
best to your better half . thanks for the help my friend. have a safe trip


Active Member
Amb's, I was looking through some old posts... and I found one of yours with a Phototron... how did you like your phototron? Do you still have it? Think an Auto would do well in one of those? I have a friend who is getting rid of one for his uncle... and only wants 250 for it... kinda thinking about it.