DR. aMbRa TrYcoMbs***** SuMmEr BUD baKE*******2011*****12/12 gRowiN'


Well-Known Member
not super religous i try to be fair and to live right

i have been through a few of the books bible - quran - and bhagavad gita (bible to hindu and hary kreshners)

i have not found a religion to i want to follow

i liked george my kinda he was anti everything government religion not anti weed

i do belive in some form there is a something greator then us in sum form who knows man woman -maybe even marshin
to not step on any toes and call a name i just say creator - supposed god is a chimpanzee - im open not locked in to a concept
an im human wit a sence of humor -not sumkind of stuffy jesus freak or bible freak

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
Looking good Ambs, the Bubblebomb looks like it could also go a bit longer though I would say.

I found this pic of my Purple exo cheese back cross surprise.

And this is roughly what you should be aiming for with the cheese....for reference, I have started giving these water only...no flush:

Peace, DST


Active Member
these are just a few of the things my brother has given me over the past few years.

One of these is the front, one of these is the back... not sure it matters which is which.

This was my Christmas gift this year. It is painted on a piece of drywall. The very same piece of Drywall my little brother removed from his room to make a box for a grow :) It's a Grateful Dead Steeley with 419 in it. My hometown's area code.

I watched him paint this one, by campfire light @ Nelson Ledges, while trippin on DMT. When he was done, he gave it to me, since I was the one that got him the DMT.

This one is actually mine. It is the design I did on a Grow-it-yourself-Scrapbook I am putting together for him, with growing MJ tips, tricks, and lessons I have learned so that he doesn't always have to call me :)

This was last years Christmas Present from him... it was a nug jar... completely packed with nugs. I have lost the top to it over the last year... but still keep it cuz it's cool. More later... don't wanna clog your thread.


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
VERY NICE DST! mucho gracias.the picutures are great to use as reference. im almost there but not quite. this grow has really opened my eyes to the development of some really amazing strains. man have i learned a lot! i know the bubblebombs upper buds are not there yet, bottom look very much like bottom image you presented. There leaves look so bad i feel panicy to heal or fllush her. . its ok for them to go bad at the end i guess.
i dont think my cheeses are that purple. a rare one eh? very beautiful


Active Member
And this is roughly what you should be aiming for with the cheese....for reference, I have started giving these water only...no flush:

Peace, DST
This was my Cheese a few months back...


I can't find any pics after this, but she got about twice as big... i let her trichomes get to where they were noticeably amber and all the hairs had turned. She was an amazing smoke, and this little plant yielded almost 3 oz dry. This was about week 5 flower. Think she went almost 10 weeks.



Active Member

Happy Holidaze!



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't panic about leaves looking farked at the end....

VERY NICE DST! mucho gracias.the picutures are great to use as reference. im almost there but not quite. this grow has really opened my eyes to the development of some really amazing strains. man have i learned a lot! i know the bubblebombs upper buds are not there yet, bottom look very much like bottom image you presented. There leaves look so bad i feel panicy to heal or fllush her. . its ok for them to go bad at the end i guess.
i dont think my cheeses are that purple. a rare one eh? very beautiful
frosty cheese camp-u-dog!


Well-Known Member
Simon Bar Sinister, voiced by Allen Swift, is a mad scientist with a voice reminiscent of Lionel Barrymore. He has an assistant named Cad Lackey. A "Barre Sinister" is a diagonal line, running from top right to bottom left on medieval family crests, indicating the person is a bastard by birth; this was a clever inside joke typical of animation writing at the time.
God I love tidbits like that! The old cartoons had so much more depth that this shit today... cartoons now are mindless dribble.


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Underdoggie your brother does some really trippy art. You have the wildest stories. I really like the piece he did that says "feel me" in it and has the bloody finger at the bottom with the safety pin through it.
That particular piece reminds me of a drawing i did when i was in highschool. i drew a knive going through my hand.with all sorts of wierd emotional representations in it like he has in that one.
The one he did tripping at the camp is super cool too.whats DMT?
The cover you did is really awesome, do you have any more drawings?
im looking foward to smoking the cheese, thanks for showing your cheese pictures for reference. i will wait until all the pistils turn as well.

bc99 that the cougar? going to be massive, looking super healthy and frosty.

hi bluejeans, your video was really cool. i love your kitty cats. they do look just like gaurd cats for your garden. Im so impressed how the VK's health has impoved. i hardly recognized her. she looks great! all your plants do. and so do those cookies.
i know what you mean about cartoons. i dont have tv just a computer and dvd player to watch movies. I love the old skool cartoons where you can tell that someone actually did them by hand, they have a raw look to them that i appreciate , easy on the eyes and witty and clever.

have a happy new year. only 2 days left! im looking foward to bright green new year for everyone!!
cheers amber


Well-Known Member
Aww ambs, I'm lovin the 12/12 this time around.
Much better than those skinny crazy supercropped Ktrainnugs.

Glad all is well, sorry I don'tpost often.ha
happy new year!jaha

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
2 two cindys lol..
i remember those ktrains and how bizarre they were. i was just thinking about them the other day. those long skinny snaps.. triple supercropping . she was a real freak. i think i will smoke her later. im glad you like this grow better ci. i always appreciate your posts . Hope all is well with you 2 brotha. got any more schiskabuds left? lol
happy fukin new year

cinders i hope you have a happy new year. please let me know how the snow white and church are doing. and also has the ferry arrived yet?


Well-Known Member
I smoked the last of that first LemonSkunk harvest.
I wentout of townduring theharvest window of my bottle clone,
I chopped hre day 62,(ambertrichomes:leaf:)she was dried up on the stick somuchthat I justchopped herand jarred her.

I'd say perfect dryness,for a fluke.
The outside too crisp though.

I've got a few clones vegging, and 7 rooting.

My effin' bonsai mombit the dust while I was gone.
I'mbummed, she was such a work of art.


New Member
TO ALL:HaPpY nEw YeAr!!!!!

best wishes.................joey.

p.s. AMBER} I WANT A DRAAAAWWWWWING :( I BUY IT! btw +rep} u deserve it.....awsome thread too...i gotta stop by more!


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member

Hey Everyone. I hope you have a wonderful New Year!

Im in an kinda awkward situation in my garden reguarding how i should manage my next grow.
I would like to start germinating some more seeds but i dont know what i should do. Here is my situation.
I have 2 tents.
The waterfarm tent is in flowering, The other tent is finishing off and all the girls should be done in hopefully a few weeks.

As you can see from my video, I have 3 mini moveable scrog girls in the corner of my waterfarm tent. I would really really like to keep them there to utilize the space as much as possible. BUT im concerned that the DEEP BLUE waterfarm girl might need the entire tent to herself.
Do you think i should get those mini moveable scrog girls out of there ASAP or do you think i should or could just let them finish off in there. It will be a tricky situation with watering, but i think i can manage if i need to..

If i move the mini scrog girls to my other tent in a couple weeks, that means i have 2 flowering tents going on at the same time which will make for a challange with some new baby plants. I will start the new seedlings in my Phototron, but space is small and i need to get them out of there after about a week or 2. Im not too keen on them going Under HPS right away.. what do you think?

I apprecaiate your feedback very much.




Well-Known Member
wow im blon awy by yo vid and yo volume and scale

you not playin around here ma

i have no input for you im a three plant at a time soil dinasour

way behind you but i hope you get good adv and a good new year

i ant mad at you
cause you put me to shame

go girl




Well-Known Member
Just movethem as required. I am forever changing my plants locations around. As far as seedlings going from phototron to hps, just do IT!!!! Give them 50% under the hps for the first few days if you are concerned, or 7 hours...Shouldn't really matter if you do a 12/12 with the seeds. Seedlings can be quite hardy things.