Dr Bob , do MI doctors give elevated plant counts ?


Well-Known Member
Hmm, wonder if some of those words could be minced, as well: "Maintaining a drug vehicle" Really? 2 definitions for maintaining - #1) Cause or enable to continue.. which would be A) You doing work/PM on the vehicle as the police show up, or B) failure to stop the vehicle during a traffic stop .. #2) Keeping something at the same level or rate.. which again, goes back to A) keeping the vehicle in same condition to ensure ability to "deliver" the mj, or again.. failure to stop. I think the definition of the word they've chosen as part of an official charge could be argued on more than a few levels - will investigate this further.

Rare D MI

New Member
Exactly buckaroo, they can try and charge you with it, but a good lawyer will get it dropped and set the precedent. Anyone not willing to go through court to fight for our rights to do what we do, shouldn't be doing it. I made a commitment when I stepped out from the underground, as all of you should. We have to play their language game and test the limits since the original law is so grey. It is all of us that will clarify things. It may take $ and or time in jail for some of us, but that is how change happens in this country.


Well-Known Member
More importantly, they can charge you with wet "unusable" buds because the law only protects you for plants or useable product? That's fucked up.

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^the most important part!

remember kidz......its illegal no matter we have a law!

glad someone finally picked that part out--:joint: ...and is awake-

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
That was a great case, but remember it is a local ruling only. But it does give some ideas to lawyers. Until that issue hits the CoA, it is not binding on other courts in MI.

Dr. Bob


New Member
Most patients have no grounds to stand against this rule let alone the reserves to test it in court .. I sure dont have 3k laying about to drop on an attorney upfront .. And the attorney will want the rest of the money asap as well .. I think you can count on about 5 k to get a damn good attorney to fight for your rights and even then it will most likely wind up becoming a plea bargain deal in the end ..

To each there own , I think the whole plant count and rules are bullshit but it is what it is for the time being .. Best to play safe and keep safe ..