I would like to add a comment, Maybe these Idiots that think Dr. Bob is doing something Wrong should have went to Medical School, But Guess what They Didn't and have no Right to keep Patients From Getting the Help they need in Michigan, It is Ridiculous they can throw there weight around when they have not went to School to be a Doctor, Maybe All the Doctors in Michigan should become Lawyers LMAO, this is a joke. for someone that helps People that no one else will because of there Morals and bullshit thoughts is just a freaking joke. Dr. Bob does the right things, Its a Patients Responsibility to tell the Doctor what is wrong and the Doctors to figure out what is causing the pain and kind of Treatment they need, I was In a Rollover accident a Bad one too almost Died I had 5 discs in my back smashed my head in pretty bad in 09. I have went to Therapy for 6 months 3 to 4 times a week, It helped some but my pain is still at a 9 most days my hands don't move very well anymore. and when I tried to get help I was turned away like some Drug addict seeking drugs even though you could see my injuries on film (xrays) So I went to another Doctor and got my MMJ Card in 2010 and have had it ever since, my pain is still pretty high although the MMJ helps, my hands still don't work proper and my Spine will never be the same, I tried to see Dr. Bob. but unfortunately he wasn't taking new Patients,
I got sick and tired of trying new doctors in this town only to be told I could not get any Pain Medicine while I had MMj in my blood , it wasn't like I need a bunch of Pills to help me out I just needed some Break through pain medicine which I will always be in pain and when I have to do my daily duties I live in a lot of pain because of this problem with out Health care Physicians in this town, I myself would say we need more doctors like Dr. Bob He is a Doctor that cares for his Patients and we are lacking that in many towns in the U.S, right now because doctors are afraid that Some Political moron that has no medical background is going to take you down and ruin your life