DR CHRONIC IS A SCAM!!!!!! EVERYONe who buys seeds should read this

Week 7, still no fucking beans from this POS Dr. He finally said he got my money order ($310 US) after 5 weeks, sent a confirmation that my payment was accepted and that they would send an email when the order has left -- 15 days later, still no confirmation that they had left, no beans showed up, he won't respond to my emails I send every 3rd day requesting status of my order.

I got robbed by Dr. Chronic


Well-Known Member
Not sure about this particular bulletin board, but most if you are the original poster, you can edit your topic title. If you are legit and you want to take back everything you wrote, edit the post title, not just the original post comments. Otherwise your incendiary post title is burning up a bunch of posters, many like me, who had good experience with Dr. Chronic, that is, until they stopped taking credit card orders.


Well-Known Member

forget about it I am sorry for ever saying shit thanks alot guys !!!!!!! I am removing myself from this topic. Good luck with your future orders.....

**glad that this comment was removed.. I GOT MAD LOVE FOR THE DOC!!!! ..HG420~ rip .... ;)

Dudes about 3 months ago placed an order with Dr. Chronic.com, now known to me as Dr. CRACKHEAD! He used to be Dr. Chronic, to me, but not anymore? I was the sucker and fool who got scammed from this guy who gets off or gets high from ripping people off! He has no concscience! It was just waste of my time, money and nothing to show for? Total Ripoff, Scam, please STAY AWAY!
Go with Attitude! Just Placed order with them and got sovieners within 5 days in original packets, from when I placed the order! They offer cool shirts, FREE UFOs, good customer service. Their website seems to be up-to-date, with In-stock and out-of-stock sovieniers. Unlike Dr.Chronic AKA-Dr. CRACKHEAD!

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
I've heard the stories about this guy, ive ordered from him over 2 years ago and was happy with the order but apparently his business is a scam now, and im not the kind of person who'd waste money to find out.
Hey Indicaman, I used dr.chronic in the past too and had pretty good results? But He has turned into Dr. Crackhead! Not same dude or company? Hes a scam artists! And i was the Sucker! I just used Atittude about 2 weeks ago and they got my sovieniers to me in 5 days! Got a cool T-shirts, sovieniers in originals, and Free UFOs! No problems with Atittude! No drama, no BS excuses like Dr.Chronic aka Dr. Crackhead? STAY AWAY! DR.CHRONIC IS A SCAM!!!!