Dr.Chronic seeds are shit now?


Well-Known Member
So your saying femenized seeds are a myth?
no im saying they are a RIP-OFF. every single pot plant ever has the ability to change gender at its own discression. i.e. all your beautifull females at any time can produce male flowers if it so desires and vice versa its in the dna and you cant isolate a gender trait. its frigging common sense.All this talk about cubing and inbreeding and self pollination is hogwash. Its a shady and cleaver way to say we are selling you unstable f2 seeds.So im calling you out. shady breeders,telling people lies straight up.because you can not ever even for a second isolate gender in a plant that is naturally hermaphrodic. I challange you to prove to me you can feminize seeds.I will point out all your b.s. and send you home spanked beaten and crying.


Active Member
So THE DOC is ok to order from if you live in the states because I want to order from him but I have read a lot of post of him not shipping to the states or people ordering and receiving nothing whats the real deal?


Well-Known Member
i would imagine you will hear neg. and positive. where ever you ask. why not ask dr. chronic? if you trust him order if not dont. thats the real deal.


Well-Known Member
ok the first time you order make it small like one pack. then if you get them order what you want. i did that i ordered double gum that was only 30 and i got them and know i ordered some thing els. hes not going to straight up say i deliver to the us. but know that you always have a chance to get your beans taken by customs, and never have your order sent to were you are growing.


Active Member
I cant trust him if I have never ordered from him which is why I asked the opinion of people who actually have and since I was reading good feedback on this thread I thought I would ask especially since I assume you live in the states,anyway going to give him a try thanks for the input.


Well-Known Member
assuming only makes a ass out of u and me.i may live in iastambol or egypt or bratisslava or england or canada or usa or iran or scottland. i have gotten seeds in one or all of these locations from the doc. but others have said otherwise. g/l if you decide to order and grow.


Active Member
I have visited gypsy nirvana and others but THE DOC has seeds I have been drooling over for the past 3 months that I cant find anywhere,anywhere that ships here that is,my plan was to order one pack and see how it goes and I know its ALWAYS the chance your seeds can get snacthed up by customs I just wanted to make sure the doc sends them and after that I know its the chance you take and based on you guys positive feedback i'm gonna take the chance and trust THE DOC.:mrgreen:


Active Member
:joint:CHILL,meant no disrepect I may not have many post but I have been around here reading for awhile and I just wanted advice from people with actual experience I didnt just want to assume and order from the doc and make an even bigger ass of myself.thanks again both of you for the input.


Well-Known Member
I have visited gypsy nirvana and others but THE DOC has seeds I have been drooling over for the past 3 months that I cant find anywhere,anywhere that ships here that is,my plan was to order one pack and see how it goes and I know its ALWAYS the chance your seeds can get snacthed up by customs I just wanted to make sure the doc sends them and after that I know its the chance you take and based on you guys positive feedback i'm gonna take the chance and trust THE DOC.:mrgreen:
what seeds dose doc have that gypsy dosent????


Active Member
Sorry took so long atwork,but they dont have TH seeds chocolate chunk,DNA GENETICS kushberry and cannalope haze,DE SHAMAN SEEDS lemon(widow),and PARADISE SEEDS whiteberry thats what I can think of off the top of my head but I have a list at home.


Well-Known Member
i think the vendors have a deal with the breeders that they can carry the same breeders but different strains so you have to mix it up


Active Member
Ohhhh o.k. thats why even if they carry the breeder one site has a strain the other doesnt of that breeder,I plan to order from Gypsy Nirvana too I have GOT to try that CHEM DOG DOUBLE D:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yea..i was checking out chem dog...from gypsy ,,ALOT of doc chronics order's have been caught at customs at chicago...to include mine...its not that his shiping is not stealth..they are watching doc's mail box in the Uk is why..its the only logical reason..