Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
holy moly man ... peace and love be with you. all my best wishes to power you through this period. Call on me anytime for anything, if I can help, I will ....Walk on!!~ Walk Tall!!~~:hump:
hey gang, I've been going through a bit of some personal problems lately.. it will probably shake things up BIG TIME. not probably, it will........sometimes in life you have to look around you and shake off the negative things in life or else the negativity will consume you. and I'm at that point in my life.....I won't be on to often in the meantime,,,,,until my issues are resolved. but I am totally okay though:mrgreen: Cya guys every so often......RIU rules, always. Much love and mahalo everyone!!


Well-Known Member
hey gang, I've been going through a bit of some personal problems lately.. it will probably shake things up BIG TIME. not probably, it will........sometimes in life you have to look around you and shake off the negative things in life or else the negativity will consume you. and I'm at that point in my life.....I won't be on to often in the meantime,,,,,until my issues are resolved. but I am totally okay though:mrgreen: Cya guys every so often......RIU rules, always. Much love and mahalo everyone!!
whoa... hey buddy, ima smoke some for yah get better come see us on riu. Keep those positive vibes open to you. can come live with me if it gets too bad ;)


Well-Known Member
a bigger bat? ok .... how about, throw the shovel away, you can't change anything by digging a deeper hole in the same place.


whats up greenhorn my brotha weres all your pics at? i wanna see some plants baskin in the tropical sun


New Member
hey doc, glad you're still postin' ...the Molokai frost turned out to not be so frosty @PP:sad:...DJ shorts claims the island strains never do as well away from home...maybe that's why

peace bro