Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
hey kata, what is a chronic???? and i appologize for my sensitivty over the subject...it was a rough time i pray that you understad
No apologies necessary. We're all sensitive about something. I was simply reinforcing that your case is not in the least comparable to others. :hump:
Just Kat is fine; that's what everyone calls me. :mrgreen:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Sorry gang but can't get to a pc tonight:( got some cool pics though. I'll just rack up pics and when I get to a pc where I can load pictures, I'll flood the thread;) I'll let y'all know beforehand so you can be prepared for it and not miss any of the action;) heh :hump:

Who the cap fits, let him wear it:leaf:..so says Bob;)


Well-Known Member
That is not cool.
I am very sad for you.
I hope they are all O.K. Someone is lookin after them for you.
And I am sure they miss you just as much.


Well-Known Member
Looking very much forward to it Doc.
You are the man bro.
I am hoping to make a trip next year.
I am a big WWII buff. I probably will bring my kids.
I think my 15 year old will be smoking at that point any way's.LMAO
You take care of your self These times will pass my freind.


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen any of my plants in a week....:( :( :( :(....
Wow, I had no idea it was that serious for you right now! I may be erratic with typing, but I'm here for you all the same! :hug:
(I tend to lurk a lot when I'm not typing much, so I'm really here a lot more than it may sometimes appear. ;) Holler any time!)

I think my 15 year old will be smoking at that point any way's.LMAO
Ah yes, the joys of parenting.... so glad I'm not legally responsible anymore, and just get to enjoy their company when they visit till they go home! :lol: