Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
I totally understand what you mean. She's really been in a funk lately and nuthin will get her interested ..... I think its her exams coming up .... she's just really preoccupied .... I'm still gonna give her some slack before the avatar changer comes into effect.

EDIT : no worries though hasn't affected her riding AT all!


Well-Known Member
Speaking of ridding DR. Greenhorn did you bring your bike over? I got a mean place to crop but it's supper deep in the mountains and I need a partner.


Well-Known Member
just working..... wishing I was on the beach with some smoke and some one to teach me to surf ;).... take a particularly large toke and hold it in for me eh?


Well-Known Member
just working..... wishing I was on the beach with some smoke and some one to teach me to surf ;).... take a particularly large toke and hold it in for me eh?
okay, take a hit,NOW!!! let it out s l o w !!! was it as good for you as it was for me???? LOL!! nah, dragon, just playing. :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Thx for the visits gang, appreciate it! When ya come TLD, we will take you to some nice surf spots:)
hey aunty, almost harvest yet?? No forget call me!!

Awesome pics Boss! Thx for the pictures again, this thread needs it right now.. Damn my hijack must be off the chain right now.. In time gang, in time... And that was funny Boss:hump:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
RiU hit over 2000 online viewers,,, just noticed it, RIU owns and I'm glad to call this my "homebreak" RIU owns!!! Mahalo viewers:leaf:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Just recieved pics of the HARVESTED HIJACK!!! Fucking fat ass colas and minimal trim! High calyx to leaf ratio. Awesome:clap: it's hanging right now.. Posting pics when I get a chance, don't know when but I'll make sure to save the pics and post them later... Gotta go back to Cali and get me more
Hijack!!!! Yee fucking Haw!! I'm stoked:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:hey man so happy for ya. can't wait for them pics .... so so good to hear. Walking On!!~~~~~:blsmoke:
Just recieved pics of the HARVESTED HIJACK!!! Fucking fat ass colas and minimal trim! High calyx to leaf ratio. Awesome:clap: it's hanging right now.. Posting pics when I get a chance, don't know when but I'll make sure to save the pics and post them later... Gotta go back to Cali and get me more
Hijack!!!! Yee fucking Haw!! I'm stoked:bigjoint:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Thx buddy, things are turning around and life is good:mrgreen:
probably go back to Kauai in a few weeks and I can update whatevers going on. Still got the hijack x2 that are heading into HI short season, the plant in the tray*bonzai*, purple strain, and the big tree in the backyard. Can't wait.... I might have some shit growing in the mountains of Oahu too,, only Jah knows,,,Jah know?!



Well-Known Member
jah ja of course ... hahaha ... you got the gardens where they need to be ... all good!
Thx buddy, things are turning around and life is good:mrgreen:
probably go back to Kauai in a few weeks and I can update whatevers going on. Still got the hijack x2 that are heading into HI short season, the plant in the tray*bonzai*, purple strain, and the big tree in the backyard. Can't wait.... I might have some shit growing in the mountains of Oahu too,, only Jah knows,,,Jah know?!
