Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Active Member
yo dr...after comment #2572 i swear i heard judy garland kick in with a powerful rendition of "somewhere over the rainbow"........lmfao....sorry too funeee...lol!!!


Well-Known Member
t-town, that stuff crackes me up, i love that show. bad thing was as i was watching it the baby came by, saw it, then i had to replay it and dance with her 5 times. shit, aunty is to old:o for that but i did love it. this 2 yr.old can dance her little butt off.:clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
some serious firepower .... and those buds look sick ... in a GOOD way! Hahahahaha! :weed:
What up guy's
Here is a pic of some Erkle's in 5th weak flower.

And I put this on Lay away yesterday.
The first gun I ever bought.


Well-Known Member
t-town, that stuff crackes me up, i love that show. bad thing was as i was watching it the baby came by, saw it, then i had to replay it and dance with her 5 times. shit, aunty is to old:o for that but i did love it. this 2 yr.old can dance her little butt off.:clap::clap:
Haha! Glad you and your neice enjoyed it! My nephew is a dancing machine! It's hilarious to watch him go.

Another one



Well-Known Member
I had no idea that this the to the level it is ... freakin unbelieveable .... (Wall Street Journal)

Pot 'Plantations' On The Rise (WSJ)
"Authorities have discovered pot farms in 61 national forests across 16 states this year, up from 49 forests in 10 states last year. New territories include public land in Colorado, Wisconsin, Michigan, Alabama and Virginia...So far this fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30, federal agents have raided 487 pot farms on forest-service land, where they destroyed 2.6 million marijuana plants, seized 138 firearms and made 369 arrests on felony drug charges."

Yays about the Fresno bust!! Like Christmas

Damn mexican wanna bes

Get out of our Country..... (I don't have a problem with Mexicans, as I am part mexican, very small amount, but these mexican cartel grows are really starting to get on my nerves)

I'll go up to their garden with a left hook, and a right, some jabs too..... then when they decide to fight back I will start in with elbows knees, and start ripping throats out with my bear hands...

THose bastards are ruining our lands, and giving a bad name to respectable guarilla growers..... giving a bad name to Medical Marijuana, ruining our economy....

oh sorry bra

end rant


Well-Known Member
Thanx every one I have some more pics I'll post later.
I havent fired it yet. The video is some one else.
The one I am getting is brand new With a long ass barrel.
Beautiful chrome. with wood handle. I love it. And can not wait to pick it up.
Even if I paid it now Cali has waiting period's and hoop's.
But have to be legit.
And Aunty you keep dancing. It is one of the healthiest thing's.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
tHx for the visits everyone! Just got outta the water, shitty surf but beats working any day!!' mahalos,,

