Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
nice plant pakalolothizz:leaf:

nice bud shot Boss!!:weed: Wowzers!:eyesmoke: Yeeehawww! :lol: just for you Boss, updates on bud porn moved back to tomorrow:bigjoint:
look for it, 4:20, hawaiian time:cool:


no wifey:( solo bird :cry:

then show us what ur working with???? lmao!!!!! show that pastey white british ass. lol i bet you got somewhat tan in the tropics.

..... i was just kidding about showing ur ass dog dont be getting any bright ideas:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hehe, this thread cracks me up.....Jimmy Soul has just pulled me right out of my hangover...thanks Doctor!


Well thats what happens when you dont get some of the Docs love for a few days not been in for a while and just read all the stuff i missed!, Bud porn, funny shit/ Chatin about our familys and kids, and one of the best whale tail pics i eva saw! lol (sweet bossman, my missus jealous of comments, she wants a go now but told her we get banned! lol), Hope you all fighting fit and happy and feelin the love from the uk all!. Not quite bud porn yet but it getting there in my grow, My 4 bubblegum from Resin Seeds All were male ( grew bigger balls than i got, feminized my ass! £35 up the poop shute) but the cheese is flying!. Winter proper kicked in round here it gray and wet so keep the sunny vibe from the islands coming Dr Greenhorn gunna get my lay and grass skirt on now and hula round my office! ( i so shud be working)
Love ya all and be good!, if you cant be good be carefull!.



Well-Known Member
Oh and can anyone tell me why every time i try to upload avi pic it say upload failed?
You may need to resiz the pics. I have had the problem also. When I resize it to 800x600 it loads fine. I did try to resize a bunch at once and it didnt work. I had to do each one individually.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I like the pics eyeco, thx! I'll catch a wave just for you today:mrgreen:

And morning gang! Updates in 12 hours and counting. mahalos for all the visits!

Jah Live!