Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
aloha all. sending this your way, just got turned on to this dude 2 months ago.... hey ro, check me out, finally learned how.!!


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
okay, so kkday and I checked out site-A today. it's getting more and more difficult to adjust to the dwindling sunlight. by the time we get off work and hook up and get everything we need to go up mauka, there is only an hour of sunlight left. It roughly takes us an hour to get to our destination, so time is precious, and shit aint getting any easier either, especially after busting your ass at work all day long then trying to psyche yourself into "looking forward" to get some "hiking" time in,,,especially on an aloha friday.:( but the show must go on, even if it does get rough sometime:leaf: ...okay, enough of the bullshit:mrgreen: on to better thoughts!:D

we brought in 2 more of the ke'ahi strain, not sure if we gonna keep running this strain or not, might be just a limited edition. we got other stuff we wanna put out there and we don't wanna overwhelm ourselves and have to much on our plate. so we're not sure if we gonna keep it going, if the public likes it, then we will bring it back. So in total, we got 6 of the ke'ahi and the one supersilverhaze at site-A.

we transplanted the sative into a 5 gallon smart pot. it was just rootbound to the max. still got alot of time till it's ready to harvest so we figured it be best to just transplant even if it is deep into flowering. should work out well. didn't need to water the plants too much cause of the frequent rains we been having. here is some pics. another thing that is getting real tough to do IS to take pics. the sky is too dim and I can't see a thing in my screen when I am trying to snap pics:cuss: oh, well...

also we got alot of different strains going out within the next month, gonna be quite busy in december/january, which is a good thing I guess, as long as we stay motivated. well, enough of the babble, I could go on and on but I need to get outta the house and enjoy the weekend, I deserve it this week! LOL
rest of the pics will be posted in kkdays thread:peace:this is just a sneak peek...thx for the visits and views gang, appreciate it:hug:
enjoy the local tunes


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I like cake, but I LOVE a morning ride much, much more...;)

and thx for visits and views. always a motivation for me guys, thx:leaf:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey gang, I was thinking some,,,I tend to do that when I am medicated on the herb..... but anyways, can you say topsy turvy, guerilla style??
I can:mrgreen:

coming soon. be on the lookout for it...the return of the topsy turvy!!fuck yeah!.........in the wild



yeah that bitch is gonna foxtail like mad before its all over man good shit what strain is it? looks like some haze, or pure sativa for sure