Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Right on doc! I don't mind a few males myself

Lots of helicopter activity today they must be bummed, can't find the morherload I once had.

I got some pics to post but my computer is on the blink. Using my phone right now..... Just goes to show the RIU addiction is getting uncontrolable! Hahaha. At least it's better than being addicted to crack.....


Well-Known Member
yeah a lot better, i feel the addiction growing stronger myself. lol but hey dr. stop by my grow journal when you get a chance i need some conversation on it, it is really quite on there right now. hehehe :joint:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Ohhh by the way, I bought a topsyturvy :) it was only 11 bucks! I got it hooked up with pics. Just gotta get to a computer to download this pics:wall:


Well-Known Member
topsyturvy cant wait to see it! i was at a master gardeners program last night and a lady was commenting on it. she was sayin her tomatoe plant never bushed out like in the topsy t, but she also saind it was a real pain to hang up due to the wieght (she was like 60) but im sure it nothing ecspecially if you wait to water until it is hanging:dunce:. lol. but cant wait keep me posted on it. :joint:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey gang! I will be doing a few clones today and I will use my Aerogarden I got a while ago from Macys... stay tuned, it is something you don't wanna miss. I will give a little tutorial with pics.

Yup gang, get your aeroponics from Macys. No fox farms available through Macys yet though...... LOL , I crack myself up sometimes, sorry :)


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to rant..... Dr appts suck shit. My appt was an hour ago and I am still waiting.... Why tell me a time if you can't keep it? Do they get paid by the hour or something? When I finally get called, they will put me In another room and wait another hour... Patience is a virtue....... or a bitch!!


Well-Known Member
This growing binge im on is stronger than crack. I too have to admit i am an addict. Been finding myself waking up at 5am every morning thinking about strains and what to keep and what to get rid of then i come on to RIU and research strain reviews. Because i been thinking of just keeping a few of my favorite strains and just letting the rest flower and harvest. I am not even gonna kill any males until i take the pollen from each one and store it. Constantly thinking about the future and how to improve myself and my garden. One day when i get my med card i hope to have a collection of seeds and pollen.


New Member
Considering the massive amounts of rain in the last 4 weeks, they seem impervious!

I put a bit of 8-4-4 on them today, but will probably be adding some Big Bud starting next week.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Wassup gang :)

Funny you had appt. Troubles too boss. Hehehe

Looking really good cj!

I cloned my hijack today with the aerogarden. As soon as I can get to a computer I will download pics... But as for now, just 'random' garble. LOL hahaha


New Member
I think the Satori is a great strain. It's lighter in color than the Afri's (or anything else I have grown). It also has a slight lime citrus smell to it. I'm just hoping it can resist the humidity which is building up every day here. Time will tell.....

Here's a pic form some bag seed I have growing as well. It looks downright spindly compared to the mandala strains....:shock:


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hehehe... Yeah man, don't hold that against them. LOL. I wish those "splindly" colas was in MY backyard. :)

Morning gang! It's raining tough today! Guerilla growers are thanking the rain gods as we speak!