Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

hey what up man! thx for the visit kronic1989, and if you need help with those trolls, let me know, I'm subscribed to your thread! lol . mahalos for the kind words :leaf:
nah,not even days is days.beenworkinga sick job as a carpenter at the test rangs build stuff and umds blow iit up from5 miles away with missles its nutz!!!!
Hey Doc, whatsup in the world of sun sea and surf? Blerry catipillars!!! My Jasmines have been infected with some sort of caterpillar. I am still getting the odd moth flying around my living room!!! Well positive vibes for the plants that need em. Just thought I'd bring a touch of chilly Xmas greetings from up North. My roof terras this morning:

Peace, DST (got his hat, scarf and gloves on)
It's going ot be hitting minus 8c up here...probably not as bad a Chicago though, fek me that place sounds cold.
Thanks NG. that one was an accidental birth from the mother plant. I noticed it sprout as I was harvesting the Mom. I left it right in the same pot, without changing the soil, to see if it would thrive notwithstanding. As you can see, perhaps weed doesn't require fancy NEW soil at all. :wink:

In fact, I think it's able to take advantage of a healthy soil medium created by the previous plant .... crazy?
Thanks NG. that one was an accidental birth from the mother plant. I noticed it sprout as I was harvesting the Mom. I left it right in the same pot, without changing the soil, to see if it would thrive notwithstanding. As you can see, perhaps weed doesn't require fancy NEW soil at all. :wink:

In fact, I think it's able to take advantage of a healthy soil medium created by the previous plant .... crazy?

Yah that is cool as hell. I know a few people that re-use soil with success. I've noticed that good sativa dominate strains can take quite the beating and still produce well. What's the strain?
No name strain ... :lol: It's from a group of shade grown weed which turned out nicely.

The female was unknown, but turned out tasting like candy. The Dad is Satori.