Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey gang, just wanted to give some major props to one of the most inspiring person I have never met but I call a friend.. Browndirtwarrior..... He is the fucking man!!! Hands down.. You think my threads entertaining? His DVD makes my journal look real mickeymouse. Buy this video, I promise you that you will be glad you did. . Here is the link, check it out... www.browndirtwarrior.com he is truly an inspiration to me and he is a guerilla growing legend... A true inspiration


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I seen it. Gonna order it this week. He has a YouTube site too. You can probably see some videos there. Dude is unbelievabl. Probably 50ish and built like mr. Olympia! He has his run INS with with helicopters too . while he is harvesting, all on video


New Member
is that the video where he the heli lands right down on his property? I've seen that....dang that would be freaky...

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Could be the one..... It's not his property though, it's guerilla grow in B.C. He has 4 spots and goes through trials and tribulations. sort of like a documentary.. I got quite a bit of grow videos but this one blows em all away in my honest opinion


New Member
Jesus and the devil kicking back with a major couchlock.

Devil: Hey, is there anything on the tube?

Jesus: I duuno, turn on the earth channel, that's always a hoot.


Well-Known Member
hey I remember when he was posting. He posted different pieces of the video as he was doing his grow that year. Pretty cool. Thanks for passing that along. Walk On!~

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey gang, noticed riu is kicking ass lately... They easily smashed the old record of users online today... long live riu!!