Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Active Member
Shit Doc, I'm being like you, Trying to turn around in the greenhouse and Cola's are Snapping !!!! LOL
No worries tho time is almost come !

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Shit Doc, I'm being like you, Trying to turn around in the greenhouse and Cola's are Snapping !!!! LOL
No worries tho time is almost come !
:cuss: I neva snap any colas!:cuss: LOL see what you did kkday!:lol:

it's aloha friday gang! whew, finally! been a busy week working. so here's what the scoop is so far as far as updates.... tuesday was gonna be the day we checked out our grow but it rained out. it's been raining alot this past week. so the day was switched to wednesday. well wednesday I had to work late so kkday had to go check out the grow on his own. by the way guys, no pictures this week:( gotta wait till next week. I talked to kkday yesterday and asked him how it's looking. well, the plants are getting overwatered by all the rain and it is kinda flushing out the plants, but we're not ready to flush them yet!:cuss: so they lacking some nutes. I'm pretty sure kkday addressed the problem with the nutes by adding more. also we had saucers under each of the growbags which were filled to the brim with water according to kkday, which led to the overwatering. we use those saucers twofold. 1, to prevent termites from digging into our growbags and damaging the plants. and 2, to hold water. which backfired on us this time. anyway kkday said everything is still looking topshape and I believe he started giving them a product called gravity. as far the seeds germing go, I don't know. gotta ask kkday how it's going. and that would be the update for this week. ...


Active Member
Wooohooo Hows you doc ? Harvested a little bit of my big momma and allready it's more than enough !! LOL
To bad I didn't get to take a picture first, You would have been proud, 5 months of Veg Followed by 2 months outdoors.
Good fricken thing she is going to let me harvest little by little !


Well-Known Member
Sounds good Doc, im sure they will be fine, will be look forward to pics as always, hope your weekend was good homie :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ho Doc, Town had some action today. Had to go and sample then cruised up N shore and sampled some sour deisel.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey what up guys! thx for stopping by.
hey punatic, awesome brah. always good to know you get meds for last awhile.
and was a pretty good weekend for me SICC, and as always, thx for the support
hey surfdout, town was mean!! you know where I'll be all this week after work,....except for update tuesday's of course:Dand I love sourD man, one of my favorites. anything diesel actually.
and I have an update for you guys a little bit later...LOL .......

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
okay, it's a little bit later:D

well, remember the grow that had the pig snares 10 ft away from it? well, we checked it out today. harvest day! going in, I wasn't expecting much, maybe some small frosty nuggz here and there but nothing spectacular. the last time we checked this grow was february 7 according to this journal. that was about 6 weeks ago I believe. hella long time ago. and the last time we checked on them before the 7th of february was about 4 weeks prior. this grow has been seriously neglected. especially compared to our other grow site. anyways, here's how they looked like on feb.7, the last time we checked on them

nothing to brag home about for sure but something. so like I was saying earlier we went in today to harvest. and when we got to the site, we found this....

this is what happens when you abandon a guerilla grow:hump:

no shame in this game:cool: and that's this weeks updates:D better bud porn on tuesday for sure:lol:



Well-Known Member
Further from Dank you could not get.....ah well, guess that site was a bit of a lottery ticket for you guys...The pic on the 7th looks fine as well.

DST walks of slowly humming the funeral march. Will be smoking one to the ganja god for those girls.

Peace to your guys on the islands, have a great week in the surf.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
nice man, good to know some of them made it, im showing my homie this thread and hes trippin on how you just have lil spots out there in Hawaii haha, at least you got to harvest some, how many didn't make it? and how many plants did you chop?

Im enjoying the show as always Doc :bigjoint:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hahhahaa! thx for the support guys:leaf: none of them actually made it SICC :( they all shriveled up and died. but it's all good. it was kinda hard to keep up on 2 grows that are on opposite sides of the island. to me it's a relief that that one grow is over:D now kkday and I can concentrate on the one grow that we got wired down pretty good:D. anyway, I haven't talked to kkday in a few days but from what I know from when I last talked to him, only the SK's have popped so far. hopefully kkday can give us an update, if not I'll give an update tomorrow along with some pics and an update of our other grow....thx for all the support y'all:peace:

glory to JAh, the prophet has come........