Tahoe buddy! thx for stopping by man. and thx for the positive vibehey there ho there DrG. How's the world doing for you? Walking forward, walking tall, sending positive vibes your way my man! Walking on!
what's up my man. just been chillin' lately, not much growing. One loVe bro......Hey Doc- How u been bruddha? Hows da vegging? I haven't been able to surf in over a month, one of my brothers cows smashed my hand then I sprained the shit out of my ankle. FUCK! It's ok though, Soldiers of Jah Army help me. One Love............
LOL! I know who you are chief!! ahahahhha I never forget an ugly facefuck yeah its been like 5-6 months since i seen u last. heres some free rep... btw im chitownsmoking my account got deleted. you might recognise the avitar tho
you need to come here more often, and less often on all those porn sites bro lol
No I haven't bro. the e-mail addy was in my pm's and I haven't had access to themHaha! A DG, u holla at Alli?
any updates on the sk doc? think u can talk fathead into posting some pics?
You gotta get with kkday on that one champ, I'm curious myself.
Thanks for the tune Dr G, first time I heard that one. Nice to start to the day with. Peace to the islands, DST
hey good to see ya buddy! I've been wondering where you been. I took a break from growing. take care man and keep it green.Just stopped in to hello.
Cant believe how quite is in here.
Take care all you cool ass peeps.
Just stopped in to hello.
Cant believe how quite is in here.
Take care all you cool ass peeps.
HI sweetheartWell dammit, if you're going to end this thread, do it properly and teach me FINALLY how to post a damn video!!!
~~~One Love Doc
YouTube - dreams I'll never see