Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
:hump:threat? hehhe you scared me...I was gonna tell you ya got the wrong guy!! LOL

thank you for coming in and stopping by Mr. Ruzzo appreciate you taking the time to check it out! I'll be in your thread in a minute. stick around and enjoy! welcome to RIU, where the bullshit stops and the fun begins!! have fun my friend:leaf:

and info is always welcome here thank you

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
random pics....

mynah bird.. very smart bird, like crows I guess....no crows here though

when bamboo goes wild..
some pretty flowers

a sickly plant that the dr. nursed back to health.... look at the bottom growth, then look at the top growth, my friend was neglecting it when all it needed was a little love

spread the message of love gang :joint:




Well-Known Member
good morning and a happy,medicated fourth.
just token from a gas mask. For the first time.
It was pretty cool.strange but cool.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
morning my friend..cool coloring on the letters

must have been a blast toking from the gas mask.... speaking of toking, remember the song joker by steve miller band?? would be nice if a friend could download a youtube video of that on this thread..I absolutely love that song, that and all shades of purple!! LOL roflmao hahahha anyway I would load the video myself but I don't know how LOL thx boss


Well-Known Member
IT WILL LOOK LIKE THIS ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIHP9o6X6D8.
THEN IN FRONT OF WHATS LEFT TYPE [youUtube] what you copied goes here.then type [/yoUutube].
it still takes me a couple tries sometimes to get it right.


Well-Known Member
That little bastard. Hes kinda cute though.
What was his sentence for trespassing?
I vote cattapolt to the next yard.lol

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I just got an idea!!..... hey, S---- and the G--------.--- gang, what's your guys addresses again??????I got an early christmas present for you lamebrains ! LOL ... Ohh, wait a minute, I forgot, you dipshits can't grow for shit anyway..... no sense sabotaging your guys crop, y'all are doing a hella fine job doing that on your own!!!
ahahahhaha LOL I crack my self up sometimes ,sorry guys


* sorry for the hate gang, but they deserved it*


Well-Known Member
Aloha kakahiaka, aunty here. happy 4th all, kailua beach was packed at 6:30 this morning already, all the ohanas making breakfast and the keikes still sleeping while the Kupuna have their coffee, sun rising on a beautiful day.
gonna pop in a picture I took yesterday. enjoy.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
right on aunty! happy 4th to you too... wish I was there :( Ala Moana beach park must be packed WIDE too eh aunty?thats alright ,96734 side stay better anyway LOL!! smoke one for me now and take care!! waiting on the pics!!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
right on aunty!! awesome pics of lanikai

for those who didn't know, this was the top beach in the nation at one time....a few times I think?

anyways lovely pictures aunty!! thank you ! make sure you take your blueberry and share with the good people at the beach!


Well-Known Member
Hey doc, just wondering what your thoughts on those f#@@n n koreans.
And where they are pointing there damn missiles.
You know if they even tried the rest of the nation would destroy them.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
yeah man, I heard about that.... little do they know underground is a network of secret shit!! they can try to target us but we have shit here that people wouldn't even believe if I told them... in fact at mana on the west side of Kauai is a missle tracking range.... but seriously, there is a bunch of shit underground going on underground...ask the conspiracy theorists....in fact I'll tell you a spot..... halawa in Aiea, underground , beneath red hill..... I tend to just enjoy life and let things fall into place..... don't worry much, just trying to stay irie everyday...I'd like to see them bomb us though, be warned though, WE WILL OWN YOU KOREA!!! LOL plus a lot of koreans live here,....that would be unjust.... LOL

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
gonna go out the door and set up for this evening.... wouldn't wanna miss the fireworks....might even have a big one I heard......:leaf:

aloha and fire up joints, not missles.......one love:hug:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
thx for the back-up though bro...always good to know who your friends are in a fight...know what I mean?? LOL have a good one boss....see you this evening......I hope!! roflmao