Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
Dr g the somas as are doin good none of them even showing sex yet they are like 2 and a half feet tall. Must be sativa all my other plants pretty much started flowering. My fricken g13 labs quicksilver fem freebee turned to be a pure male. Did a search and found that I was not the only one to get male female beans from them.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
that sucks on the quicksilver beans bro.. glad to hear about the soma though! I might start some of that soma myself... got any pics?? by the way, morning bro


Well-Known Member
I had to leave that thread. I was smokin too much.lol
you kept him nice and fired up though. Freakin hilarious.
All i know is hes not worth a flight to europe.
My broke ass couldnt squeeze a ticket out anyways.
And if i could it would be to come toke with you.
Sounds like a hell of a better time to me.
And im not afraid to bring hash and nuggies on a plane.
When i do come that way.


Well-Known Member
I had to leave that thread. I was smokin too much.lol
you kept him nice and fired up though. Freakin hilarious.
All i know is hes not worth a flight to europe.
My broke ass couldnt squeeze a ticket out anyways.
And if i could it would be to come toke with you.
Sounds like a hell of a better time to me.
And im not afraid to bring hash and nuggies on a plane.
When i do come that way.
You guys had me cracking up over there!! I still laugh just thinking about how pissed he got.

It sounds like I would much rather ride in your cars than his anyway. I've always wanted an old VW van. They are real hard to find around here, and when you do they are either way to expensive or need to much work.:peace:


Well-Known Member
i should be able to post some pics a little later. So very irie right now. smoking some herb called "Goo" Buds not very big but the potency is there. all popcorn nugz very potent and sticky.


Well-Known Member
You guys had me cracking up over there!! I still laugh just thinking about how pissed he got.

It sounds like I would much rather ride in your cars than his anyway. I've always wanted an old VW van. They are real hard to find around here, and when you do they are either way to expensive or need to much work.:peace:
i went with the need too much work.lol
it was solid rust when i bought it. with swag carpet interior.
i will be restoring it forever. mostly cause i drive the hell out of it.
my son is going to drive it to high school next year.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
ThAnks for the love gang!!

I love you guys!!

And wannabes, I thought you was a wannabes magician! Lol

much love and aloha my friends... You are all awesome!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
morning gang!
minor updates again.......

well it rained heavy last night and I was a little worried about the big plant I have because the branches are so long that if it gets wet, it sags BIG TIME! imagine when it starts getting buds on it!! but so far , so good. the stakes I am using are doing thier job... I think netting will be a MUST though..... when the buds start packing on, the branches are gonna need all the support it can get!! hijack is doing fine, other than the slug issue. stinks good too! the topsys doing fine, that also has a nice stench.... germinating beans I mentioned earlier.... and on to the GDP seedling...when I made the medium for the pot, I started with 2" of perlite in the bottom, then I put 2'" of soil on top of the perlite. then kept alternating mediums till I got to the top......I don't know why I did this,....just bored, I guess. anyways, the GDP is really taking off! wonder if the way I made the medium had anything to do with it???? anyway, when I do transplant down the road, I will be sure to take pictures so we can all see what was going on down there..... also the 2 hijack clones I made are taking really well. aloha and JAh


Well-Known Member
Good morning gentleman. Afternoon for me.

I did the same thing when I transplanted to my bigger pots. Just not quite as thick of layers as you did. I'm glad all is well!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
morning gang! afternoon to you cph,

hey boss, nutz yeah?!

no wonder we only got to watch sesame street! LOL where you think I learned to be a pimp??? from the count, of course ;)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
gotta learn how to count that allmighty dollar!!

roflmao I'm so glad you are on board my friend, if ya ever left my thread for any reason, I'd miss ya too bro....

but I don't ever see that happening!


Well-Known Member
aloha and what a nice day it is today. lucky oe', you had rain yesterday? small kind on my island. love your pictures, my dear. you stay safe my dear. aunty loves you. oh yea.. LIMU KOHU!!!!