Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
thx for kind words ninja mon!

nice looking hash Tunda, I jealous!!

hey Boss, I don't remember that, LOL but 1000 posts, yipee!!!

thx everyone, y'all kick ass!!


Well-Known Member
hahahah I love it highfly, made my night!!

thanks doc!!! I just updated my journal, got some new indoor pics coming and that DIY topsy pics I promised you years ago... I applogize, I have been consumed with school the past few days, and I love it. I have been learning how to use Flash and I can't get enough of it. Boulderhead

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
See what I mean? You gotta have that touch. ::wink::
You broke it completely in two??
This, I have to see. I hope you can mend it with the bandaid, but.....I dunno.:?

:cry: I know......it didn't mend back

I have a topped hijack now.....but it might be a blessing in disquise....:neutral: I hope.....

I still got the touch though.......don't think otherwise...........so don't unsubscribe now ladieskiss-ass hehehehheh :hug:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hehehhe thx guys

well today is the day that is really good but really sucks for me.....I got a job!! LOL

well, I always had a job, but I work on and off in spurts, So, looking at my activity bar, y'all can see what I been doing for this past month, SHIT!! hahaha Nah, but really I gotta head out the door in 25 minutes and while I am very happy to be busy working again, it sucks 'cause I got used to being a lazy ass.....Oh well, not everyone can live the life like CrackerJax.......LOL see y'all this evening gang!! please feel free to leave comments or what not while I am gone......

don't cry ladies, I'm not leaving, just logging on less......


New Member
CrackerJax worked for seven years straight once without so much as a vacation....when and if you hit your economic stride, just put the head down and bull it till you can't take it anymore...:lol:


Well-Known Member
I have been working full time since i was 14.
Lots of hard labor.(and hard drugs).
I like working. Just not to make others rich.
I want the fruits of my own labor.
Thats the goal for me anyways.


Well-Known Member
Your right! Im better now. In fact
bombs are flying people are dying.
The whole world is going to hell!!! But how are you.
Im feeling super!!! So thanks for asking.
All things considered i think im feeling gay.

Puts a smile on my face everytime.
Also adam sandler and jack nicholson. Im so pretty. Lmao


New Member
I ordered the "Russians are Coming" through Netflix. That movie always take the edge off for me...:lol: Everybody to get from street!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I'm back home!! finally! but I got more news.....10 hour days, 7 days a week!! FUCK! I wanted to go back to work, but sheesh, not be in a relationship with work! I only like to flirt with work...... Oh well, my plants are getting big and fat!!

still was a lovely day though ;)