Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I will take them soon bigT, but my computers acting up again, stealing Internet from nieghbors suck ass:( but I will post them as soon as I can! Thx for the interest buddy:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you'll appreciate this one then
babs, where are yoooouuuuu! ahahahaha whip it baby!
I fucked up, it's embedded:(
"weeeeeeeeeeeee" LOLOLOL, here I am..getting ready for bed.
Why you want to get me riled up at this time of night??? This is a song I will be dancing with to my "significant other" in the A.M. I like getting goofy with my lil buddy. Thanks Doc.
I'll pull the whip out another night. ;-)


Well-Known Member
hahahaha .... reminds me of the first itmes that I did shrooms .... third year ..... soooo soooo sooooo much stinkin stupid fun ....
Hehe....last time I did shrooms---LONG time ago---I called my ex to give him explicit detail as to how beautiful my boobs were......HAHAHAHA......seriously.
Oh Lawd, I'm making myself look bad again.:oops:
Now watch Cracker disappear for a day or two. :bigjoint:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I took some "ok" pics today. My comp is down still so I will post them as soon as I get a chance. They are "ok" ,,, nothing "special" ... lmao!


Well-Known Member
i had a tree house in a breadfruit tree in my front yard in kailua... age.....21.
You were growing in a tree house in Kailua?? My friend ripped a guy growing in a tree house when we was fressmen in HS. This will be so funny if it was u.


Well-Known Member
heres a few older pics i will use for my Grow jurnel after i harvest every thing

this is 1 week in the ground

heres the same one 2 weeks later

heres a group shot after planting in the ground the one on the far upper right had a week head start in the ground (and is the one in the pics above)

heres a close up of the three on the left a week after being in the ground

this is 3 weeks ago


Well-Known Member
the sativas are clones and im not sure on the strane due to miss labeling there supposed to be Big bud but there garanty not cuz they look 100% sativa and the indica is bag seed from puna on the big island. i got 2 fem. out of 10!!! its a very potent strane sticky and dank!! no fruity smell here. a heavy and very strong smell. its super resistent to insects and pest. the sativas have had spyder mite right next to her and she has nothing

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Right on Hawaiian!! Looks nice! Make sure you keep us updated brah!

Morning gang, still working on trying to load pics :(
gotta wait till my nieghbor fires up the Internet.... Soon gang, soon. And it's pictures of the hijack... Trust me, the wait will be worth it!! They looking gooood...


Greetings! Been lurking in the forums for a while and thought I'd jump in. Moved to Hawaii (for the 2nd time) a few years back. Daughter disabled and has her card. I'm her caregiver. We're looking at three generations of plant geneticists here, so i should be able to grow this stuff, no? After all they don't call it weed for nothing. Ironically, my father was employed by the USDA to grow hemp (for non-smoking reasons) during WWII, so... Wish he were still here to help, but. Have a few plants in (see pic) and appear to have caught the long season with at least the one. The others are just seedlings. I have some mystery Hawaiian strain, a strain from a friend down the road we'll call RedT to preserve anonymity, and some Sweet Sativa started from seed I got by letting my short season female (from purchased seed) go to seed. Wish me luck!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Welcome and aloha! You came to the right forum for sure! Have fun browsing and meeting the community, there is also a Hi thread in the outdoor section!! Mahalos for the visit !!


I found this site looking for the definition of "long" and "short" season. I've got that figured out. Now I need to figure out how to subscribe to threads and upload pictures. I'm on the 'net a lot, so will be here often. Looking forward to meeting a whole new ohana.


Been poking around for 30 min now and can't find out how to upload pics, so later. I did (I think) figure out how to subscribe to the thread. But now I must go do something less fun and more lucrative.


Well-Known Member
Been poking around for 30 min now and can't find out how to upload pics, so later. I did (I think) figure out how to subscribe to the thread. But now I must go do something less fun and more lucrative.
Good day and welcome!!!

To upload pics you need to be in advanced mode. When you're in there you'll find 2 buttons for attachments.

And for subscribing, at the top of every thread you'll see Thread Tools, it's in there.:peace: