Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member

[ youtube ] 8onbDZmAwhE [ /youtube ]

you just need the code. Make it look like that^^^ with no spaces.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke: I'm back! helicopter was flying overhead again so I figure I give em what they want 'cause the doc. is a pleaser. ....I went outside and did some yard work and waved a big hello!! :blsmoke: Jah is watching over me,,,I feel it..;)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Just in case you missed it., topsy turvy buds at it's finest:weed:this is the last you will ever see of them again!!muahahahahha:fire:

it is awesome smokes!! I'm fucking blitzed outta my mind right now
I kinda feel goo goo:hump:



New Member
or maybe I got a filter on and I can't see it or something? I don't know,,,,,I''m baked!!:eyesmoke:
LOL it's suposed to be a scratch perry vid...i couldn't get it to work but i could get it to "white box" ! I thought white box was better than code.... now the shoe is on the other foot Bro HA HA HA!!


That's good 'cause often I don't, so if the recipient knows what I'm talking about it's always helpful! Off to work.:-| Dr, you and all the RIU folk have a great one, see ya @ 4:20 or so.