Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
Two weeks before you plan on harvesting, move them another 10 feet away. :mrgreen: Leave plenty of evidence of Miracle Gro ferts.......LOL.
A few traps here and there wouldn't hurt either. :peace:


Well-Known Member
My first (and last) outdoor grow was a nightmare... rabbits... deer... insects... guys on a four-wheelers... police helicopter... doh !! :shock:

Glad ur having better luck than i did. I love to see the good leaf in the great outdoors. :weed: This may be the longest journal on RIU !

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
My first (and last) outdoor grow was a nightmare... rabbits... deer... insects... guys on a four-wheelers... police helicopter... doh !! :shock:

Glad ur having better luck than i did. I love to see the good leaf in the great outdoors. :weed: This may be the longest journal on RIU !
hahahaha! DaGambler, awesome man!! thx for taking notice of my thread:D good to have you here! anytime you wanna speak, feel free to do so. your thoughts and advice are always welcome here:leaf: thx for dropping in dude:mrgreen:

and no, there are a few journals that are longer:lol: I might be in the top 5 longest journals though! lol :hump:


Well-Known Member
Looking good for 5 weeks of neglect, are they getting moisture from the mountain as well? How often is it raining? Sorry about the weather report requests. I know that on most mountains you have cloud covering, which then will create moisture that runs down the side of the mountain...not sure if this is the case where you guys are at. Anyway, keeping fingers crossed for this site guys.

Peace, DST

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
This site got the occasional overnight sprinkle and morning dew. also it doesn't get as much direct sun, it's shaded alot of the day. It doesn't rain alot at this site though. But higher up the valley, there's lots of rain, so a river runs nearby. So far the river never dried up and that's a good thing, cause at this site, we get our water from the river.

So to further explain so you get the idea, this site is an up and down hike to a valley, but a valley with some elevation to it. ..... the other site is straight mountain, Billy goat style:D ....or donkey, but the doc is no donkey! :lol:lol


New Member
So it's either ... over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house we go.


The man who climbed up a hill and came down a mountain.


Active Member
Doc doing real good for not being behind "your" house. I still remember your BIG ones, I havn't forgotten.
Oh but what a feeling to grow in the wide open at "Grampa's" house LOL
I hope to accomplish the same.......

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with growing at ole gramps house!! lol

Yeah man, I miss growing the trees:( I still got the "big one" though if you know what I mean! :hump: lol

woot woot!! :bigjoint: thx for passing by gang:leaf:


Well-Known Member
neglect or not you have some fine looking buds still there. As long as the stick around till harvest you should be great. Keep an eye up in the trees for hidden cams and helicopters.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
thx for stopping by and the kind wordz dude, also for the tips, appreciate it.:leaf: yup, my eyes and ears are always tuned in to the sight and sound of helicopters:D, ....and anything suspicious or out of the ordinary. thx again for stopping by!


Well-Known Member
Bloody helicopters, I can hear one going over my house at the moment. I seem to be in a flight path for the Police, Ambulance, and any other private heli's that are flying over to Schiphol airport....noisy buggers......

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
.....so kkday and I checked on our other grow site. here is various pics. there is a hummingbird that frequents our grow but I wasn't able to get him on camera:( maybe next time.. I did manage to get a picture of a mongoose turd though :D lol :lol: enjoy!!


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
a little :( and it was funky!! I'm not sure if it stoned itself to death on the buds or what but it was dead stiff! also I broke it in half and there was like little worms in the body or something. weird as shit. thx for the kind wordz:D


Well-Known Member
Plants look like shit doc, don't give up your day job!! lol try throw that turd in your soil mix for nutes.