Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
.....and yet there is always that occasional "cross" that reaches out and touches the soul.
Hey Doc. ;-)


Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:As I sit here and munch away.....I peer at the abs.......easy hook-up in two weeks hard-core training.

..I continue to munch on inappropriate and unhealthy food.. I "thought"" about doing a thousand sit-ups earlier today.

Does that count for anything? :eyesmoke:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
okay, update. we harvested all but 3 plants. the 3 plants are starting to re-veg. so they are staying out for the summer line-up. being that they are re-vegging, they are leafy as fuck! I'll try to get a pic of them up later. so this month there will be not much action going on. end update.

so here is a few pics y'all might find interesting. one of the plants we harvested had seeds. the interesting thing about it was that the seeds were germing and popping in the calyxes! quite odd. I've seen it before in another thread on RIU, but never experienced it myself, nor has kkday. so here are the pics. and thx for all the support gang:hug:

10-4, over and out.................:blsmoke:




Well-Known Member
Hey doc we only got 2 up there and I think they going to finish with out flipping back, there deep enough into flowering I believe. I culd be wrong though, eather way it's all good smoke.


Well-Known Member
Now that is an Auto for you!! You don't even need to replant for your next round, just shake the tree before you harvest!!! How fekkin cool is that!!! Cheers for sharing Dr G.


Well-Known Member
489 PAGES!!! lol anyways you should have left the seed in there it might have grafted itself and created a SUPER PLANT!!!


Well-Known Member
What up peep's.
That was some cool pic's doc.
I have never seen a seed sprout like that before.

As far as the Avo cream goes. It did not come out great.
It works real good and is a bit strong.LMAO.
But was just a bit oily. I am going to have to make some batches with out the keif to dial it in. I added 5 grams of GDP keif to about 4 cup's of material.
Here is a link to the recipe I used. http://www.ehow.com/how_2190171_make-natural-avocado-hand-cream.html

I just heated the bee wax to 160 degrees then stirred in the keif.
Once it was all dissolved I let the bees wax cool back down and then followed the directions on the link. I will try a couple different way's over the next couple weaks as time alows. And let you know what I find.
This stuff really does work. And I mean on damn near every thing.

Stay medicated peep's.


Well-Known Member
You can't even buy hash in Hawaii let alone keif!!!! Lmao I wanna get some canna suntan lotion. Or even lube!! Think of the posabilitys!