Dr. Greenthumb Test Grow... The Dope

BONNIE - Welcome! Don't be afraid, I've been posting here for years. As long as you aren't posting pics of huge ops with hundreds of plants or anything you aren't worth LEO's time. Plus, we're all legal medical growers, right? ;)

PIPEDREAM - I'll check it out in a few.

RACER - I transplant em pretty fast, as soon as there's a couple roots sticking out the bottom. It's up to you though. I let my clones in the same rapid rooters get big bushy beards of roots before transplant but the seedlings in pure hydro makes me nervous because they're so delicate and hydro isn't really my forte. So I'll probably be potting these up tonight. All ten germed seeds sprouted. Looks like seed 11 might be a misfire. I still got 10 though so no big whoop.

Well of course Im a medical grower ;)

Cool well just so you know I only had 2 seeds that didn't sprout, which since he gave me 3 extras was no big deal. ES was/is really annoyed if anything goes slightly wrong, but I found that Dope is really resilient. I love this strain. We waited a bit too long to flower (approx 16") because we were waiting on our lights. So I think we are going to have really huge plants which kind of worries me, because this wasn't really our intention, but first grows are always a learning experience. Any suggestions on how to get light to the bottom leaves since they are so large. I have read of just bending and tying them but I'm not sure when that is safe to do without harming them.

Oh and every single one of our plants are female, unless nasty hermes rear their head. Im so excited to see the rest of this post! Thanks once again.

Oh and also you might be interested to know that we are using LED's for flowering (these are what took so long)!
Cool, well I didn't transplant the seedlings as they don't really have much more than one inch of taproot sticking out the bottom. So I know I said no other strains in this thread but Dr Greenthumb told me he got banned from this site so I don't think he's really gonna mind LOL. I will keep the showing off to a minimum and mostly during the super boring seedling and veg stages. This is what I'm smoking on now. Pre98 Bubba Kush X Deep Chunk from Cannacopia. I love this plant.



This is BC Roadkill from the same breeder. Rawness.




So that's some of the competition Dr Greenthumb is up against in my garden. I also got this sour pineapple pheno Chernobyl from subcool.



Also running Vortex from subcool and two Greenhouse strains, Lemon Skunk and Cheese. These are all keepers selected over the course of two years. Here's Lemon Skunk


So yea that's it for show and tell tonight. Time for bed.

Wow that's weird I just recommended that strain to someone else just a few minutes and I've never seen it grown...lol (the bubba kush x deep chunk). I wonder why exactly they banned him I noticed he had no posts and I couldn't the original thread I was going to post for some of the people who were interested in seeing this. Whatever I'm sure he will still be seeing these. I will also try to not show off my other strains but they will be growing together and I think a little bit of competition is needed so that people don't think it's biased but I will be only using those strains as a comparison if the situation warrannts it I really just want to focus on the Dope seeds. Anyways those are some frosty looking buds you got there :clap:
Hey Mared whats up bro. Just happened upon your journal. Guess if I couldn't do a test grow for the Dr then the next best thing would be watching yours lol. Actually my budroom is so full right now its not even funny, and I have a backlog of nice single cola keepers that are going to be 2 ft tall before they are able to go in. I do have a second, smaller budroom that I could have done a test grow in but, oh well, thats ok.

My next order is going to come from Greenthumb Seeds and I'll prolly do another big grow journal like I did for Subcools gear. Shit I'll bet that I whored out hundreds of orders for him this winter but that's ok, it was fun.

Think I'll also supplement my outdoor grow with Greenthumbs Iranian Autoflower and also the Iranian G-13. Both have good potency, good yield for a short plant and finishes quick which is very important where I live.

Good luck man I'll catch you later. Got gardening to do and also finish trimming up a harvest of Ice, and this A-13 Vortex that I'm smoking right now won't let me sit still much longer. Not to mention its taking longer and longer to type this the more that I smoke :) . I hear ya on the dog hair lol, I have to inspect each bud individually after their trimmed and a lb a month is alot of friggen buds lol

Looking forward to this Mared. Your roadkill looks delicious. Ill be doing a grow journal for Cannacopia's C99 X Deep Chunk(Chunky Cinderella) soon. Ill pm you a link if you're interested in the grow.
Hey there, we are getting ready to subscribe after we post this comment, so we would love for you to subscribe to our grow too. We promised that we would put it up and we are in the lengthy process as we speak. Feedback and criticism is more than welcome!

Thanks so much for making us feel more at ease about posting, Mared. We would really appreciate your feedback.
We are with you all the way on this one.

PIPEDREAM - that bubbaXDC is my favorite strain I've grown. I've grown a lot of strains that cost more than twice as much but can't say any are better than the bubba chunk. That subcool Chernobyl and that GHS Lemon Skunk come close but I wouldn't say they are better, just different. Plus the fact that the Roadkill is one of the best potency to yield ratio strains I've ever seen and you can see why I've been vouching for Cannacopia for years... but still not many growers on of them here.

HIGHLANDER - Good to see you bro. I'll be very interested to see the Iranian strains. The Doc speaks very highly of them.

DAVE - Hell yea man, send me the link. I've only seen a handful of other Cannacopia grows and not one dissatisfied customer. Never seen the Cindy though so that should be cool.

GODFREY - Cheers man. See you repping like a pro now ;)

BONGANDBLENCE - please refer to first post.

SLABHEAD - thanks, that Chernobyl is dank stuff. I usually don't like fruity strains as much but it's like a pineapple flavored sourhead candy. Crazy smell and taste.

BONNIE - Awesome, I'll check it out. If you want complete security for posting look into proxy servers. The Support section of this forum should have lots of info. I don't even use my own computer for this site so I don't know the good ones but they have free programs that will block your IP from any prying eyes.

Last but not least, here's the Greenthumb babies. Still no transplant. They seem to be doing fine but I got the pots (actually grow bags) all filled up and ready to go for tomorrow. Slight change of plans... I ran out of hydromix and can't make it to the hydro shop for a while so I'll be using coco instead. I always keep a bag in reserve :)

Hey guys, been working 12 hour days this week (I just got off a conference call and it's fucking 10:40PM!!!) so I can't put the usual attention into this post but here's a quickie. First pic is all the seedlings. Second pic is closeup of one. Third pic is 11th seed that finally decided to germ after all (planted two days ago). Fourth pic is the 11th seedling. The rest are a TGA Chernobyl I harvested today.








Nice fade on the Chernobyl Mared, loaded with trics too. What are you using for a medium for your seedlings? Got a batch of the shorter Vortex pheno coming out in a week or so.....their looking dank as shit. I have some purple Qleaner drying also that has quite a stink to it, kind of like cat piss maybe? I've got some time today, I'll throw some pics up somewhere later. Your Qleaners getting close?
