Dr greenthumbs "dope" show test grow

Lol just because I said it was gross doesn't mean I'm offended lol. I've been brained by my guy friends before so trust me it's hard to offend me lol.

Guess you're still on your original goal there lol.

damn it.. so close, yet so far... i'll have to try harder i guess is my only option..
sweet.. thought i would just come on one last time before my buddy gets here.. maiden maiden maiden maiden maiden maiden.. lol.. just practicing...
thats the thing i've always liked about maiden, they have always stuck to their sound, and if you dig one song, you should like most of them.... well, thats my theory, and i'm sticking with it.. talk to you after the show.
had a pretty good time at the show mind.. got your shirt for yah.. i'm gonna get it to doobs, and she can do the rest if thats k.. i like your shirt the best out of all of them.. i got pretty fucked up at the show, drank a lil too much and smoked way too much, lol.. we met this girl in the parking lot who was a member of the fan club, and she told me the set list as well, and said it was the same songs you gave me.. my buddy was a lil disappointed that they didn't play many of his fav's, but it was still pretty good.. dream threater opened for them, but we were too busy getting fucked up still and missed them completely..
the place was about an hour and a half north of here.. i've never been there before, but was a pretty kool place.. its like an open ampitheater, with some seats under a roof, and then they have lawn seats that are just out in the open, with no seats, so i don't know why they call them lawnseats.. we were kinda far away, but could see the screens fine.
had a pretty good time at the show mind.. got your shirt for yah.. i'm gonna get it to doobs, and she can do the rest if thats k.. i like your shirt the best out of all of them.. i got pretty fucked up at the show, drank a lil too much and smoked way too much, lol.. we met this girl in the parking lot who was a member of the fan club, and she told me the set list as well, and said it was the same songs you gave me.. my buddy was a lil disappointed that they didn't play many of his fav's, but it was still pretty good.. dream threater opened for them, but we were too busy getting fucked up still and missed them completely..
the place was about an hour and a half north of here.. i've never been there before, but was a pretty kool place.. its like an open ampitheater, with some seats under a roof, and then they have lawn seats that are just out in the open, with no seats, so i don't know why they call them lawnseats.. we were kinda far away, but could see the screens fine.

sorry that i suck at posting videos from youtube.. but i got the link for it.. heres a good one from last nite.. if you go on youtube, they have almost the whole show on there.. but heres a lil something something for ya..

6.. 6 6.. the number of the beast..

Glad you enjoyed yourself racer and thanks alot for the shirt.
And sending it to doobs is fine(I am sure it will get to me)
The maiden tour in 08 was the classics tour.
Still had to be a good show though,to bad you missed dream theater they are good 2.
Thanks again for getting me a shirt and hope you have a good day my friend.
Glad you enjoyed yourself racer and thanks alot for the shirt.
And sending it to doobs is fine(I am sure it will get to me)
The maiden tour in 08 was the classics tour.
Still had to be a good show though,to bad you missed dream theater they are good 2.
Thanks again for getting me a shirt and hope you have a good day my friend.
Yes send it to imagination land *cough-cough* lol.
DSCN0283.jpgDSCN0359.jpgDSCN0377.jpgDSCN0384.jpgDSCN0382.jpgDSCN0383.jpgDSCN0273 00000.jpgDSCN0372.jpgalrighty.. enuf talk about swamp ass and iron maiden.. lets remember what we all are here to see.. some nice bud porn.. i thought that i would show off some of my latest pix.. looking soo soo dank.. time is going soo slow these last couple of weeks.. can't wait for them to finish.. pretty soon, i'm sure, but not soon enough in my eyes..
Damn bro just lost my load.....

Looking fucking Sweet racer....

thanks a lot mind. not as good as an apple jack that a buddy of mine grew a lil while back, but not looking too bad if i do say so myself, lol.. thanks for the kind words..
most of the pix i think are the og kush, but pix number 3 is the dope.. the dope i think is a lil more chrystaly than the og's, and they have such a lovely sweet, ripe fruit smell to them that is out of this world.. i really hope that the smell comes out more in a nice cure, but we shall see..
AJ huh,Sounds like a good strain to grow.Thanks...lol
Should be a very nice smoke in the end.
Enjoy the fruits of your labors.
I am missing growing badly,even though i did have some fresh eggplant and tomatos from my garden the other night.
The tomato taste like a real tomato,not that crap you buy in the store.And the fried eggplant was out of this world.
Have a great weekend my friend and thanks for the shirt again.
i had some bell pepper on some home made pizza that mom whipped out the other day that was out of my garden and i got my first cucumber last nite.. i planted my veggie garden pretty late, so.. but its looking really good too..
i have this one butternut squash plant that is just getting huge.. pretty cool.. i love how big the leaves get on stuff like that and zuchinni and all..
i still need to get to the post office so that i can mail your shirt to our girl mind, but i'll try and get up there on monday before i have to go into work.. thats if i don't decide to keep it myself, lol, j/lk.. what are friends for mind?
RSCN0309.jpgDSCN0404 00000.jpgDSCN0401 00000.jpgDSCN0394.jpgRSCN0306 00001.jpgDSCN0395.jpgDSCN0400 00000.jpgRSCN0308 00000.jpgyah. i was just talking to her.. that sucks.. but its all a part of life like i was telling her.. granted, not the best part of it, but dying is just natural.. i'm going to be crushed for sure when something happens to my mom, but i just try and spend good quality time with her now so that i'll have no regrets later in life.
well.. i started to take down some of the dopes today, and snapped a few pix of them and a few new ones of the og's.. the dopes smell soo damn nice its out of this world.. a really really nice sweet fruity smell that i can't really describe other than nice and fruity, lol..
well, here goes.. some new pix, new pix, new pix..
how did the docs "dope" strain do compared to other strains u have grown??

Edit: growth wise, didnt mean smoke

curious if his prices are worth it
how did the docs "dope" strain do compared to other strains u have grown??

Edit: growth wise, didnt mean smoke

curious if his prices are worth it
not too bad yeild wise.. probably about an average yeild, but i think it would have been better if i didn't have too many plants under my lil 250 watter.. the plant was a dream to grow honestly.. super tiny leaves that were different than anything i've ever grown.. she flowered for around 60 days or so, which i loved about it.. she stayed small and compact the whole grow with not too much stretch.. and the smell.. omg, the smell.. can't wait to see how nice she is going to smell after a nice cure..
i'm absolutely in love with his og kush to be honest with you.. and i also just picked up a pack of his sour 13 beans as well.. the dr's prices are a lil pricey to be honest, but well worth the cash from what i've seen and grown thus far, and that sour 13 sounds friggin amazing..
yea i hear ya i wish there were a few other growers reppin his gear hard, cant wait to see your and porkys sours

theres so many choices dammmit lol

got some g bombs goin now not to shabby so far
yah, i really like dr greenthumbs.. i love the fact that you can simply call the man up and talk to him on the phone and he is more than willing to answer any and all ?'s that you may have about your seeds, his genetics, or any issues that may arise during a grow of any of his gear..
i would like to see more of his gear grown as well as its definitely some dank bud for sure.. but at the same time, i kinda like being in an elite club where not too many other people really know how dank dr greenthumbs gear is.. but i'll end by saying this.. if you grow one of his strains out, you'll be coming back to the man again and again..
oh yeah.. a lot of times he has stuff hanging around that's not on the site, like those sour 13's.. but if you call and ask him what hes got going on, he will definitely hook you up..