Dr Greenthumbs Matanuska Thunderfuck Organic And Hydroponic Journal


Greetings ganja lovers! I have been fortunate enough to have been chosen to showcase some of these world class genetics for you. The first of which will be Mantanuska Thunderfuck, a shorter flowering sativa. I have been told she is a big plant that stretches for the sky in flower. Lucky for me I have some experience with such ladies and know just what to do! We are going to be doing a lot of supercropping and giving her a lot of room here. We are also going to go for an organic and a hydroponic journal at the same time!

Lets get this show on the road!



I also neglected to mention that the packaging was very discreet, Simply an envelope that appeared to be a letter.

We have 100% germination folks! In just over 24 hours.

Now into the rockwool you go!




....and just like that, new life was breathed into my garden.Thanks Doc!

One wanted to come in sideways, this sometimes happens with rockwool. I just opened the cube and helped her out a little. She lost one of her cotyledon leaves in the process. No biggie, the roots are awesome so she will be okay.


Things have been rough lately.. I got root aphids in the hydro system really bad , they completly shut me down. After trying everything under the sun to get rid of them I had to trash the whole thing... A complete nightmare.... But I am rid of it now.

I have a new grow up and running now, I am doing organics for awhile, it kind of sucks. 1/3 of the yield for 10 times the labor. But I can adjust, as the quality is equal to or greater than my hydro system.

I managed to save one of the MTFs she just went into flower. She got the hurtin put on her but she is coming back now!



She is starting to show flowers! Now the fun begins!

She is not as stretchy as I would expect a 90% Sativa to be the structure seems nice. I gave her some organic AACT (actively aerated compost tea) and put some bone meal , guano, kelp, ground oyster shell, and feather meal spikes during transplant for later when the roots find them.

I am still getting the hang of organics, my last crop I starved quite a bit. But with the teas, and spikes I think I will be good!
