Dr. Hany Assad....Whats The Deal??


Well-Known Member
So I have my med rec from Dr Hany Assad. I have it for like 4 yrs and never had a problem.

The other day I went to a local club that I had never been to and they told me they don't accept his recs. WHats the deal with this?

I did a search on the internet about it and apparently he had some problems with a female patient or two. I went to the CA medical board website and did a search for him and his license is active but has restrictions.

THe restrictions he has is he cannot see female patients. Other than that, I am pretty sure every thing else is legit.

Are his reccomendations good? I understand he did some stuff he shouldn't have, but that doesn't really concern me. I am just worried about my rec being valid.


Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
So I have my med rec from Dr Hany Assad. I have it for like 4 yrs and never had a problem.

The other day I went to a local club that I had never been to and they told me they don't accept his recs. WHats the deal with this?

I did a search on the internet about it and apparently he had some problems with a female patient or two. I went to the CA medical board website and did a search for him and his license is active but has restrictions.

THe restrictions he has is he cannot see female patients. Other than that, I am pretty sure every thing else is legit.

Are his reccomendations good? I understand he did some stuff he shouldn't have, but that doesn't really concern me. I am just worried about my rec being valid.

I've always gotten my recommendations from Dr. Assad, never had any issue. Always been able to get into any club. If there is an issue, well you've been there, you can figure out why. But this is the first I've heard of it. I'd just try a different club.


Well-Known Member
This is not the only club not accepting his recs. THere are a bunch in the bay area that wont accept them and some of the counties are not accepting them for their ID card programs.

I know he has a malpractice thing going through right now and his suspension was suppose to be ending, but then he had this problem just before it ended. Have you done any searches on the internet to see what people say about him? I am just worried my rec is no good.


Active Member
I've had my card thru Dr. Assad for the last 4 years aswell. If you go get you card form the paitent id center that should be all you need to get in. I'm curious,what club was it if u don't mind me asking. i've been to a lot of the clubs around the bay and have only had a problem with one, the Garden of eden in haywayd(gone now).
As for Dr. Assads troubles I heard the smae thing about a female paitent, other than that he is legit.


Active Member
yeah, you might want to check out Prohibition Against Treating Female Patients for the background on the way that Hany Assad likes to treat his female patients. Beyond that, the Medical Board is in the midst of revoking his medical license.

I've had my card thru Dr. Assad for the last 4 years aswell. If you go get you card form the paitent id center that should be all you need to get in. I'm curious,what club was it if u don't mind me asking. i've been to a lot of the clubs around the bay and have only had a problem with one, the Garden of eden in haywayd(gone now).
As for Dr. Assads troubles I heard the smae thing about a female paitent, other than that he is legit.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply.

All those papers seem to be signed 2001 and it mentions something about may 2009. I got my card renewed in july so I am thinking that his license didn't get revoked. I am pretty sure this is when the decision was going to be made.

Sure he is an asshole to female patients, but if we were to protest every person or company that does "bad" things we would have no where to shop or any one to talk to. I don't agree with what he did, but it really doesn't concern me. If he touched or raped me, that is a different story, but that is not the case.


Active Member
You may want to begin looking for a new doctor, because the Medical Board just revoked Hany Assad's license (link to forum posting here.

You can read all about it at: http://medpotcrisis.com/hanyassad.html

In particular, the Medical Board said "Patient safety is at risk by his continued practice and the public interest requires that his certificate be revoked."

I'd hope that you might consider going to a legitimate doctor this time around. No reason not to do this properly and according to the law.

Thanks for the reply.

All those papers seem to be signed 2001 and it mentions something about may 2009. I got my card renewed in july so I am thinking that his license didn't get revoked. I am pretty sure this is when the decision was going to be made.

Sure he is an asshole to female patients, but if we were to protest every person or company that does "bad" things we would have no where to shop or any one to talk to. I don't agree with what he did, but it really doesn't concern me. If he touched or raped me, that is a different story, but that is not the case.
And dude, gotta say, hope you develop a bit of a sense of decency and morality—to just say that this doesn't concern you because he didn't touch or rape you is pretty self-centered and reeks of the "I've got mine, so screw you." mentality. And if you really think it doesn't affect you, ask your mother, sister, daughter, wife, girlfriend what they think of you brushing off your tacit support of Assad's actions (that he admits!) by continuing to both treat him as someone worthy of your respect as a doctor and the recipient of your economic patronage.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Last time I went to a "legitimate doctor" for a recommendation it took 6 weeks to get an appointment, cost twice as much and then told me I needed additional documentation (meaning pay another doctor several hundred more $) and then after that I could make another appointment, wait another 6 weeks and pay them another several hundred dollars.

All I want is to not get arrested for growing pot. So screw your real doctors, does anyone know where I can find another quack in NorCal?