dr hornby big bud


Active Member
growing in soil.
3rd week into flowering

How often should i water with dr hornby big bud?
every time i water?
every other time?



Active Member
Just added to my plants... Its awsome, Check out my Gallery. 2nd Week into flowering we added BIG BUD... bongsmilie


Active Member
"Just added to my plants... Its awsome, Check out my Gallery. 2nd Week into flowering we added BIG BUD... "

2 weeks into flowering????? wow their twice the size of mine and mine are in 3.5 weeks.
do you use it everytime you water them????
btw i have white widow


Active Member
Big BUDS is what you'll get... Dr. Hornbey is the BEST!!!! Its like a natural steriod for buds......Every watering, I have a resivoir mixed and sitting with an air stone, and circulation, Kinda Hydo-soil.... Works GREAT!!! I water every 2-3 days depending on the moistness meter. We also have white widow at the moment. All the nutes we use are in my gallery. Except for the Pirahana, That is also AWSOME>>>
