not my happiest canopy...they a bit pissed at me as Ive not been on my A game by any stretch of the imagination...but thats the way it goes sometimes. Sending it anyway.
Mac Dragon #10 reversal is officially a go, Mac Dragons got their first spray of Elite X rev spray....The #7 pheno I reversed last time make tons of pollen...So hopefully the sister pheno #10 will as well.
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I put the tents back up as well, as with winter having the garage cold and wet, having them in the tents make the temps and RH more ideal. so got 2 tents looking like this...
Some issues happening, but such is gardening. My health and college has my time and mind off. Gonna send it and make some seeds hopefully. After this run, I may have to reset depending on how my surgery and health goes...we shall see.
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