Drawer growing plant??


Active Member
We abandoned a plant pot with seeds in the soil in a dark drawer and all of the sudden recently it started to grow.....strong and fast, is there anything that could have beenefited the plant while in the dark? Should we leave it or move it to the sun. Also, the soil is like a peat moss like bog mixture that was actually used to grow man eating plants!!! :evil:


Well-Known Member
um lets start at first base: is your seed in a pot? if it is that is a good start, as for your dirt it kinda sounds like you might have found this in your backyard ,which is ok but if you transplant or start any new plants put the right shit in it(if u want to know mixes ask), and as for your plant it will die in the dark, the reason it sprouted in the dark was because they don't need light till there leaves show but if you keep your plant next to your underwear it will die. As for the care of your babe either go all the way or stop now, because I'm am telling you if you don't put the time and knowledge into it all you will get is in trouble and a disappoinment.


Active Member
yeah just wanted to know, it was hilarious when we found it, but since we didnt find it right at its start, will probly start completley over and fresh.. thanx though...:blsmoke: