drclone.biz live clones to canada??????


Active Member
This is a re-post of a topic I have started today.
I have recently ordered clones from his website.
I could not find any information on the tracking # that he sent me, and after numerous e-mails to find out the status of my order, I finally got a response on the day that they arrived.
I received them 6 days after they were sent out. They arrived in very bad shape, and were dead when I received them.
I have been e-mailing him every day to see if/when he intends to replace my order, but he refuses to answer my e-mails.
On the company's website, they guarantee that the clones arrive in good shape, and are healthy. Mine were wilted, cracked offf, and dead.
I have heard good things about the company, and am very disappointed.
I usually do not vent like this, but I hate pissing away money, and would like to know if anyone else has had any problems with them.


Active Member
if your lucky enough to know about these services you should keep your f#ing mouth shut. i hope the mods. delete this topic..


Active Member
I disagree with you, if people do know about legit business' like so, I think they should spread the good word.


Active Member
This is a follow up...
The situation has been resolved...the whole thing was caused by lack of communication and the morons at the postal service. The order being received too late was not the company's fault.
The order was replaced by the company and
everything arrived in good shape this time.


Active Member
They are now 70 a clone with 7 or 8 different strains. I got Chronic clones coming from serious seeds. Right now he has a deal with some strains buy one to 6 clones you get one free. I waited till he got the bugs worked out I have been keeping my eye on him since november of last year via C.C.. He had to close down once to restructure but kept his word on every outstanding order. By all rights everything should work great.
its official Dr. Clone is a scam.
1. he does not stand by his guarentee on delivering healthy clones
2.he does not coresponed with email (only when asked where to send your hard earned money)
3. he does not provide a tracking number for your order
4. he does not use purolator (which does require a signature on delivery and would ensure the package is not delivered to the wrong address) instead he uses canada post CHEAP!

i'll be starting another post titled Dr. Clone is a SCAM.


Well-Known Member
love the grass is green no pun intended but really the cultivation charge will come with a root, which a clone has, just my 2 cents