Dream Super Grow Room

Hey hows it goin post all your dream grow rooms or your real one this is mine which i will be building in a couple of years I live in Australia so how any ideas to fix mine up and let me hear some of yours.

[FONT=Algerian, fantasy]My Grow Room[/FONT]​
Sorry pic didnt work
[FONT=Agency FB, sans-serif]The room will be underground consisting of 3 shipping containers, 2 parallel and 1 across the top of them. Then all the inside walls will be taken out and all of them joined together. Before and after this building is being built it will have to be pest controlled for protection against parasites and diseases just to be safe. At the moment I don't know what I'll be doing for the interior walls roof and floor. I think I might put ply on all 4 walls the roof and floor then cover fully with polyshield. Then with a gyp rock but before the gyp rock can go up I need to add my walls see the rough copy in picture above.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Agency FB, sans-serif]Once the building infrastructure is done the walls will be painted flat white. The floor will be lino in working areas and maybe carpet in the Chill room. All rooms have green lights aswell to work when the light are off just in case.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Agency FB, sans-serif]Office And Chill Room[/FONT]​
[FONT=Agency FB, sans-serif]The Office and Chill room will consist of a couple of lounges a table, a desk and chair for working on the computer and logging data and playing music off the computer. There will be a big sink for keeping all equipment used sterile and for washing hands before going in the work areas. Latex gloves will be used if hands are not thoughourly washed. There will be a fire escape or back door whatever you say that will be a ladder going up a tube which will have a hydraulic arm that will open a rock in a garden to get out which can only be opened on the inside and used only for emergencies. The main entry will go out a solid secret door which you will enter in the basement/cellar. On the wall of the Vegetation wall and the Flowering room there will be a one way mirror fitted in the wall like they have in interrogation rooms which will look cool and so you can see your crops without opening the door. There will be storage cupboards in this room which hold all the equipment and the chemicals will be held in a locked cupboard, before any of the equipment is used it will be washed and sterilized so no diseases or parasites can be passed on to the plants. There will also be a top loader freezer to store unused weed and this project is for personnel use for me and my mates not commercial but this set-up could be tweaked here and there and has the space to make a small commercial crop.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Agency FB, sans-serif]Cloning And Mother Room[/FONT]​
[FONT=Agency FB, sans-serif]In this room the Mother plants will be maintained and the clones will be grown. Now my take on cultivation is it is all about preference there is no right or wrong way to grow but there are a few guide lines that you have to abide by. Now for my mother plants I will be growing them from my seeds in a hydroponic set-up which I'll explain later. Then I will be transplanting them into a bit bigger pot from the flowering ones and in a good soil that I will choose later on. This to me makes me feel thats its got that hydroponic growth yet it is living in a soil not a medium it gives me me that feeling that it is natural. Now I will be having 4 mother plants to start off with all of different strains from there on I will either be buying different ones or breeding my own which I would like to do someday. They will live under fluorescent globes in there own rooms you could say. They will be lifted off the ground on metal bars going horizontally which will let the water drain into the tray that will be lying under all the mothers. When I was saying they have there own rooms I wasn't joking I meant it they will be divided but a piece of ply painted flat white and placed either side of the plant with room to grow a bit more so it isn't to stuffy for them. They will be run over 18 hours of light a day and the clones will be 20-22 hours a day. Now the clones they will be placed in those tray things with the lids. Under them there will be a heat mat connected to a thermostat to control the root temperature. The trays and mats will be placed on a frame made out of wood there will be a light hood in a fixed position going across the top which holds 4 florescent globes and the trays will be placed on a frame which can be moved up and down to greater or lessen the distance between the light and clones. And halfway down the frame there will be another light hood which holds 8 fluorescent globes, and a moving frame for the clones to be moved up and down. I will be growing my clones in those jiffy pellets because I think they look cool and there just as easy as everything else and remember its all about preference.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Agency FB, sans-serif]Vegetation Room[/FONT]​
[FONT=Agency FB, sans-serif]Now I like hydroponics because its looks so technical yet it is easy, its clean. So for my vegetation room I'm thinking of 2 different types of set-ups either the drip system which I will put my pellet with the clone in it into a rockwool cube about 4”, they will be placed in a tube with a cut out for it. And the tube will have a slant so that the water will run away and back into the reservoir. There will be 4 cubes in each row all running parallel in a s formation. In the reservoir there will be a air rock like in a fish tank to add Oxygen and thats were you add the nutrients, and the pump will pump the nutrients up the tubes and out the drip nozzle things this will all be timed and done a few times a day.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Agency FB, sans-serif]The other system I like was the film one where the water is in the reservoir under neath and the plants will be placed in specially made holes where the rockwool will sit (There will be a flat surface were the rockwool sits and water flows down) . It will all be on a slant and at the top there will be a piece of polypipe with heaps of little holes which the nutrients will be pumped out of. All this will all be hooked up to a timer as well and be done a few times a day.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Agency FB, sans-serif]The lighting will be easy it will be 1 600w HPS light connected to a digital ballast that has different power settings for when the plants get first moved into there so it doesn't stress them so much. I will be running my light from 18-20 hours a day I've seen people having them from 16-24 so as my preference and just by going by my gut feeling I am gonna run 18-20 hours. The exhaust will consist of a inlet, outlet,filter and muffler the inlet will be taking its air from a place in the garden and it will have a waterproof housing and the outlet will come out in my water feature in the garden and remember no one has to do it all the same if you end up using my design. So to also keep the smell down I will be placing a strong smelling plant around the outlet aswell as using the charcoal filter. There will be no CO2 in this set-up and on the walls there will be 2 mounted rotating desk fans. I don't know for sure if a sulfur burner needs to be in this part if it does ill put one in but if not it'll be in the flowering room.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Agency FB, sans-serif]Flowering Room[/FONT]​
[FONT=Agency FB, sans-serif]Now the flowering room is where it all happens in this room I am going to run a drip system based on the water farm. They have there own reservoir in the bottom of there bucket and the medium I'm using is the clay pebbles. They will all be hooked up to a main reservoir and when there own separate ones get low they will be filled back up by pump that will turn on automatically. The exhaust system in this room is the same as the other and on the inlet there will be ducting that will split so it can go to both rooms and for the outlets they will do they same this but vice versa for effect. The ducting will be placed inside the rooms in the going along the corners of the roofs so they are not in the ground outside the containers. There will be fans in this room aswell. Now the lighting well it will be the same as the vegetation room except there will be 2 lights. The pots will be in in rows of 4*2 for each light.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Agency FB, sans-serif]Harvesting Room[/FONT]​
[FONT=Agency FB, sans-serif]Now you already probably figured what this room is for, yes well its just that its used for curing/ drying our your harvest it has 2 big doors that swing open and has those wires you use for hanging your curtains they are wrapped in a hard white rubber stuff I think that would be perfect for this and they are hung in this room a couple of rows back 2-3 and a one going across the top, middle and bottom. This room is pitch black when shut because every door in this grow room has a rubber seal on the bottom of the doors so no light can get in or escape.[/FONT]​




Well-Known Member
How tall are shipping containers? I would guess 10'. Stacking them would be 20' underground. It will take a lot of work and hassle to place those things in the ground without raising suspicion.


Well-Known Member
why would you do all of this for 3- 600w lights? you must be smokin rock or be 14 yrs old
this dude is a strait up fucking dick. dont listen to him. shoot for the stars man. do it like ya wanna do it. after doing it a couple times youll start to see what works and what doesnt...

that fuckhead is in a lot of posts and he aint gut nothin nice to say. or anything even worth listening to at all..that shitbag needs a smack.
then again, thats why he posted 1500 times and has no rep..


Well-Known Member
Mine is something like this but 2 shipping containers buried side by side with the inside walls cut out and roofs and floors welded. 25 1k lights per container and believe it or not soil as a medium :P Each 1/2 of the room independantly powered by propane generator. I have plans for 1 container in a few years...2 is just dreaming for now :P


Active Member
Obviously you are going to a lot of trouble to set this up. Good job I have always dreamed of burying Transport trailer myself. You have to do it at night (no fly overs) any ways might want to stay away from NFT as most people find it harder then drip it is less forgiving. You have a nice philosophy as to the personal preference and I think that some growers actually follow that rule, the truth of the matter is that different strains are going to react differently to situations. That's why unless you already know exactly conditions your strain will thrive in you should always be tweaking your garden in an attemp to improve. Not every strain wants the same amount of hours of light of veg it all depends on where the strain originated. Same goes for temp, nute strength, nute temp, etc. I've seen cuttings from the same batch in two different rooms start to look different from each other as well as the mother.
Anyways you have an amazing plan stick with it and you'll be content with pulling sticky buds out of your room. Happy Growing.:joint:


Active Member
Here's my dream grow room.

I can't grow in my house, because the wife wouldn't approve, and I have teenagers. So, I need a place to escape to and grow highly potent and tasty stash.

I buy a bar in a good suburban location with an apartment above, and pay someone to run the bar. I don't live there, but use it as a party pad. The apartment would have the usual living room, kitchen, bedroom, but also a secret grow room. Anyone coming in could look and pry all day long, but never find it (behind a bookshelf, etc.)

One area inside the grow room, isolated from the rest would have room for 3 mother plants in perpetual vegetative state (coma room). Maybe 4' x 8'.

The main grow room would be about 8' x 10', room for about 12 large plants. There would also be a prep area with large sink, and bench. Of course I'd need a shelving unit with fluoro's for seed starting, and clone propagation.

I'd do my drying and curing in the cold attic, but that too would be hidden.

I'd stop by 2 or 3 times a week to check on plants. While there I stop by the bar to pick up some drunk chick. We'd go upstairs, and she'd smoke a big fat joint.


wasnt there a big grow like that busted in alaska or canada some where they had big genorators and vry thing if memorey serves right i always think if i had the money i would build a house in the middle of some woods one road acces kinda thing with just the one container in the ground so the copters could not even see it still hooked up too house not too big but plenty of space too build my perfect grow room but ive not one the lottery yet so it will stay in me head till some thing else pops up


Active Member
I just noticed the part about undergroung steel shipping containers. I realize this may just be a fantasy, but I see some problems with that.

First, steel shipping containers, buried underground will not hold out water. And, they will rust, then eventually cave in.

Secondly, an underground "facility" would be highly suspicious. Better off to hide the operation "in plain site" in my opinion, like a house, or a "business" front.


I used to have an underground shipping container inside which i was making bio-diesel and we had a severe problem with water seepage... U have to paint it with 2-3 coats of anti-rust paint and then 2 coats of silicone paint otherwise it will rust completely in 5-7 years..I know this sounds OK but do you really want to dig it up to re-paint it...I thought not.
A damp course put into the hole before the container would stop water getting in...Better yet pour a concrete base and damp course that. It does depend on the ground moisture level where u are.
Anyway, the container we had fell into itself 5 years after it was buried cos we couldnt do any of the above(we bought it buried) so not a permanent solution unless you prep it properly..
If done correctly it can be a great space as its temp is much easier to keep constant as its underground but costs a bit to set up...


Well-Known Member
lights within shipping container generate alot of heat, hopefully there is no snow in your area ;)


Active Member
I want a cabin in the middle of nowhere like the guy above but ill use solar panels and do alot of flowering under the sun.

I also dream of having an attic room that can only be accessed from a closet or something.