dream where u cant control your body


Well-Known Member
last night i had a dream well i guess a dream it seemed so real this guy walks into my room and i try to get up but it was like this force was holding me down i struggled for what seemed like 5 min then finally i could get up and i woke up instantly ever since then i had this weird feeling i cant shake anything like this ever happened to anybody


Ursus marijanus
Oh yeah big time. That weird emotionally dislocated feeling can last a whole day. In my case, those immobility andor baseless panic fear dreams (where I try to scream and run, but I just weakly flop and moan) seem to be associated with migraines. cn


Well-Known Member
iv seen a show about that but fuck that! next time you will know your dreaming and just force yoruself to wake up.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah big time. That weird emotionally dislocated feeling can last a whole day. In my case, those immobility andor baseless panic fear dreams (where I try to scream and run, but I just weakly flop and moan) seem to be associated with migraines. cn
i did have a bad headache before i went to bed maybe that had something to do with it

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
My girl had a dream, she swears she was awake, where she couldn't move, breathe, or speak. I was laying next to her and she never stopped breathing. She swore she was awake and just felt weird all day. There is a thing called sleep paralysis, where your mind is awake but your body is still a few seconds behind, in the sleep state. When you sleep your body becomes paralyzed. Literally.

I've woken up and not been able to move for almost 10 seconds...talk about panic. Sorry you experienced it bud.


Well-Known Member
I had a dream that i was getting laid and woke up with my dick still in my hand


Well-Known Member
everynow and then I will have a dream where it just seems like everything is really hard to do, like running seemed impossible and i wasnt really moving... its crazy the things the mind can do


Well-Known Member
everynow and then I will have a dream where it just seems like everything is really hard to do, like running seemed impossible and i wasnt really moving... its crazy the things the mind can do
you had same dream i did, fuck that so sucks when ya jus can not move the fuck out the way in a dream....fucking legs that do not work


Staff member
i used to get sleep paralysis alot it sounds kinda like that i cured it by not sleeping on my back


Well-Known Member
actually kodank beat both of ya'll, and this has happend to me one time, and it just so happens that i was got shot in my head and woke up so quick and i couldent see and couldent move but could still thnk and i just remember thinking did i just die in my sleep? and then then my vision came back over like 3 seconds and then i could move. and was like what. the. fuck.