Dreaming Big


Well-Known Member
LOL, I thought that I was doing pretty well with three stars. Ah well.

Remember to make a bivouac for the ladybugs, if used outside. They
will stay in the desired area longer and better if they have a base of

Great stuff going on here.

Good luck.

Gonna be inside. In my tent...... It's not like they cost a whole lot. I may split my batch with a buddy of mine.

If they die or leave it's fine. There will be enough left behind to take care of everything that may be in there. :) Just thrip larvae.


Well-Known Member

Wassabbe.......Ole Stew ole buddy of mine? Betcha cant smoke one of mine all by ya self!! that size...

Stars because of move,Betcha.


Well-Known Member
Stars prior to move.... I think it was from Increased conversation outweighing pictures...... But It's all good. I'm over it. lol....

How have you been bro? haven't talked to you in a while.

As for the blunt. I sure would try. lol... Just smoked 2 in a row. So much work done and still to do in the tent. Fuckin going crazy....

Got some GDP pollen.

My Blue Dream (CS) clone is mutating a bit. so i know the silver is doing something. lol... Gonna keep spraying her till she turns. :) or just go with the Cotton Candy pollen as long as i can get some lol....


Well-Known Member
Stars prior to move.... I think it was from Increased conversation outweighing pictures...... But It's all good. I'm over it. lol....

How have you been bro? haven't talked to you in a while.

As for the blunt. I sure would try. lol... Just smoked 2 in a row. So much work done and still to do in the tent. Fuckin going crazy....

Got some GDP pollen.

My Blue Dream (CS) clone is mutating a bit. so i know the silver is doing something. lol... Gonna keep spraying her till she turns. :) or just go with the Cotton Candy pollen as long as i can get some lol....
You just smoked 2 that size? Thers no way in hell, I could be sitting after a half of a Shoreline that big!!
That stuff is for sure top 10 of the head high strains Ive ever grew.I cant even watch TV its like ive got a
1lb weight on my jaw keepin mouth open staring into the abyss.

Doing sooo much better ty for asking.


Well-Known Member
I think i'm gonna buy some Shoreline..... Gonna get some Rare Dankness Night Terror OG too...
And a few more that i want to check out and see what's up. :) MORE Parent hunts. :)

Got some GDP pollen to use this time around.
just in case nothing else works out for me in the fem pollen category. lol

Cocoa Puffs should start producing in a few days. :)

Gonna flip the tent in 6 days.


Well-Known Member
RD has some good strains.Alot of OGs if thats your thing.
Me, I like a good Daytime get up and GO strain,Not a OG thang,That puts me out like some old Tang.
You probly dont even know or heard of Tang....


Well-Known Member
The drink mix??? I got some lol.....

GrapeGum from Ripper Seeds is a good uppity strain... :) Grew that last grow.... May get more. :)

I just like the color of the Night Terror. Kush is OK. I have only tried a few real kush strains in my lifetime. lol

I like weed. plain and simple. I smoke all day so i usually keep the india heavy high for later on. but sometimes it's just all i get.. lol


Well-Known Member
Yup. And it only comes out good if you know what you are doing. :) otherwise, well... it's mediocre. LOL...


Well-Known Member
Trainwreck over 36"
Blue Dream
Cotton Candy
Blue Thai
Don't know if this is allowed..... lol
This took forever lol..... Don't ask why. I have no clue.
Blueberry Dream FloraNectar for all the lovely BB strains i have. :)


Well-Known Member
so how do you rank the nectar as a sweetener? Have you run it same strain side by side before stew? Just wondering if it is even worth it.
Nice ladies there stew better not let them out the house cause damn those are some sexy ladies for sure.


Well-Known Member
I think it is. It brings out natural flavors if used in just flowering. but when used the whole grow it really makes a difference in smell and taste IMO.
I've spent quite a bit of money on it buying bottle after bottle. so.... lol


Well-Known Member
You know me i'll get a 4 pack of sweetener 8oz samples from botanicare later as if its "good enough for stew its good enough for you"


Well-Known Member
The one i'm using now is a Discontinued flavor. fuckin pissed it never made it to grow shops. i guess they didn't have enough testers or something. lol