Dreams.....Do you dream?


Well-Known Member
i had a terrible dream last night that i had a crack in my tooth. it was visible too, not a molor. it was more of a nightmare. i dream almost every night and i usually remember them. they are very realistic.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
i had a terrible dream last night that i had a crack in my tooth. it was visible too, not a molor. it was more of a nightmare. i dream almost every night and i usually remember them. they are very realistic.
I've had dreams that my teeth were loose. I didn't like that very much because I've had only 1 cavity in my life and that wasn't until I was 21. The thought of losing my teeth is scary to me.


Well-Known Member
I've had dreams that my teeth were loose. I didn't like that very much because I've had only 1 cavity in my life and that wasn't until I was 21. The thought of losing my teeth is scary to me.
me too. i have had cavities but i have perfect looking teeth so having a big crack right in the front was awful. thank god i woke up.


Active Member
I attended a "dream workshop" once. The one thing i remember about it was if you dream about losing your teeth, you could be worried about losing something important to you in real life. Not sure how true that is but makes sense i guess.


Well-Known Member
Whenever I'm' smoking heavy, I never dream. If I go to sleep semi blazed however, I usually will dream.

Generally speaking I hate dreams. Always bringing up stupid shit. Last night though, I had a good dream :-) Not too often that happens.
I smoke heavy everyday and I don't have dreams really.

There are only about 5 from my entire life (starting at like 7) that I can remember VERY well. but other than that I maybe sometimes have a dream, and remember it as I wake up, but it slips, or I don't have them at all...

I have to dream during the day :)


Well-Known Member
I have a recurring theme that I dream a LOT. I'm usually somewhere out of town, usually at a party with folks I used to party with back in the day. I usually have lots of my stuff with me, sometimes even my home theater system. It's usually at night, and I realize I had better be heading home so I am not late for work. But there's always something missing I need to find before heading home, sometimes it's my shoes, my car, my home theater system or what have you. Either I can't find them, or another roadblock is put in my way that I can't leave until I find it or resolve.


Well-Known Member
I love dreaming. Unfortunately, most of the time I can't remember them when I wake up though. The ones that I do remember lately (similar dream happened a few times) I've been in a dark place searching for someone, although I don't know who, and the whole time I'm wandering around all scared and nervous. Once I woke up while I was still searching, and the other time I came into a lighter area with all of my best friends, my close family and my old girlfriend and they were all so happy to see me... I wonder what it means lol any dream interpreters here?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i never remember my dreams. i think i'm too deep a sleeper. when i nap lightly i usually remember a little. i think the weed makes me sleep deeper which is why i probably never remember the things.

i've never had a "controllable" dream, or a flying dream, i'm never being chased...fuck i'm boring.

however, on more than one occasion i've had the "why the fuck can't i shut off the alarm" dream. it's actually pretty scary. i unplug the thing and smash it against the wall and stomp it and it still goes off. then i wake up and realize i have to go do life now. ugh. fuck dreams.


Well-Known Member
I wish I had some on hand like that :(

I would dream every night before bed, and every morning when I woke up :)